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Happy feet: Toes are only truly happy when you let them out to play. The return of spring has brought out the footwear of freedom, seen here outside the TSC. / Photo by Josh Russell
Today's word on journalism

Sunday, April 10, 2005

"Once you have learned how to ask questions, you have learned how to learn."

--Neil Postman, journalism scholar (1931-2003)

USU JCOM NEWS NOTE: THE JCOM Department celebrates the Class of 2005 Friday with JDay, showcasing the best of student work in print and broadcast journalism, the Web, photo, and public relations. Followed by the annual JCOM Awards Banquet--student awards, 2005-06 scholarship winner, speaker Robert Kirby of the Salt Lake Tribune, all with fine dining. For information or reservations, contact the USU JCOM Department at or 435-797-3292.


MARCH 2005

Arts & Life


Fat Boy paradise: rich, rich ice cream in -- where else? -- Richmond
Adam was calling again. "The Red Devil and I are eating sundaes and watching Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches be made." Lucky guy. / By Brooke Barker

Are you addicted to computer games? How about the Internet?
Like many first-graders, he looked forward to getting home from school as soon as possible. After all, it was difficult to focus on basic addition when he couldn't stop thinking about his next fix. / By Brandon Taylor

Backpacking Europe a cure for wanderlust
"Some people just about to graduate just aren't cut out for a suit and tie job in the city, the four-bedroom house in the suburbs and the 2.5 kids," says Ed Dischler, head of marketing and sales for Busabout Tours in the UK. / By Tina Hammond

Need to get out of Dodge? Here's a simple guide to studying abroad
People often say travel is the best form of education. To see the world, other cultures, forcing yourself to be independent, it's all part of the education you gain from traveling the world. / By Lindsay Meintel

Green day: Trivia about St. Patrick and the Irish
When many of us think of St. Patrick's Day, we think of the color green, four-leaf clovers, Ireland, leprechauns and pots of gold. What many of us don't think of is a man named St. Patrick. Before becoming an Irish saint, Patrick lived in Wales and went by the name of Maewyn. / By Tamber Weston


Getting high, the fly way, with USU aviation program
Despite cloudy skies during recent inversions, the USU flight program might be headed for turbulence, but with more than 150 enrolled in the program they won't be grounded for long. About 200 students are among the Utah State University Aviation program, specializing in professional pilot or maintenance management. / By Karina Velez

Travel tips for Europe on a college budget
Have you ever entertained the thought of traveling to Europe...and then think of the cost and discard the idea? When you're living on cold cereal and the dollar menu, the cost of a trip to Europe can be overwhelming. / By Katie Cook

Networking: Whom do you know?
Do you ever wonder if all of the time, money and effort you put into college will ever pay off? / By Jennifer Cranney

Country dancin' the night away in Logan
Cowboys, boots and ten-gallon hats-forget the images of hoedowns on the farm, country dancing has evolved. / By Kami Capener

Bed and breakfasts in Cache Valley offer something for every traveler

There are many reasons to visit a bed and breakfast, including breakfast in bed, a more personal feel, themed rooms, or just to feel more at home. / By Sarah J. Young

Zach and Bryce: Helping us understand the mystery of autism
When my son Zachary was born he looked and acted as any normal child. However, when he was about 9 months old he became fascinated with numbers. / By Mark L. Roesberry

Avalon Hills: Treating eating disorders in Petersboro
Risking deployment to Iraq, a father re-enlists in the military, then with his wife and daughter drive hundreds of miles from Ontario, Ore., to the quiet community of Petersboro in Cache Valley, where they leave their 17-year-old daughter with complete strangers for five months. / By Justin Ellingford

Lindy hop or jitterbug right into USU's Big Band Swing club
The music starts and his body naturally begins to move to the beat. Within seconds he is relaxed and every worry in the world has slipped away. Alan Ambrose, publicity chairman for USU Big Band Swing club, said dancing is no walk in the park, but worth it in the end with all the rewards it brings. / By Coreena Payne

Hyde Park bids loving farewell to town's mum, Edna Mae Balls
The words on Edna Mae Balls Johnson's funeral program read, "A mother holds her children's hands for a while, but their hearts for a lifetime." Edna Mae was a mother to the entire community, and while she may have passed on, she will forever hold the hearts of Hyde Park residents. / By Lexie Kite

Arms and legs will fly everywhere at 'Busta Groove' battle
Keith Wille and Ben Allred practice scissor-kicks, baby-mills, barrel-rolls and kip-ups in the middle of a blue gymnastic mat. / By Heather Williams

Gym class in Old Main, varsity football on the Quad part of forgotten USU history
Every day when we walk to class, we are taking a trip through history. Each building and square foot of ground at Utah State has its own story. Every summer I get the opportunity to take new students on tours of this colorful university, teaching traditions, myths and history of the campus. / By Sarah Reale

USU works hard to be 'transfer friendly' for students
USU brings in around 1,200 transfer students each fall and an additional 500 to 700 each spring. USU's new president, Stan Albrecht, said in his acceptance speech that one of his top 10 goals for USU was to "strengthen the recruitment." / By Stephanie Proctor

National poker craze sweeps into Cache Valley
One does not need to look very hard to find a card game at Utah State, with stakes that vary anywhere from a couple of dollars to no bet limit at all. / By Lee Wilson

Feeling blue? Maybe it's really SAD
Do you feel like a bear during the winter season? Do you feel like you want to curl up and hibernate until winter is over? Well, it could be more than just the winter blues. You could be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). / By Kelli Palmer

Ankylosing spondylitis: This is not your grandpa's arthritis
What's frustrating about having ankylosing spondylitis is that no one believes you when you tell them you have it. / By Branigan Knowlton

Can't get pregnant? Alternative ways to have a family
There is nothing quite like having the doctor place a newborn baby in a mother's arms for the first time. But for some women that day might never be possible. / By Nika Ecker

Rotoract members go from sun and sand to sweat and school
One year ago, students gathered together around a 15-inch laptop screen at Utah State University viewing pictures of paint-chipped walls, empty bookshelves, torn curtains and 50 children under the age of 12. / By Jennifer A. Reese

Stereotypes don't bother animal control officer -- he's happy to go when the big phone rings
Kirt Lindley wakes up while it's still dark, and heads out to the barn. In the thick silence of the early morning, Lindley methodically milks his cows, day after day to keep his dairy farm running. Lindley is only interrupted when the big white phone inside the house rings. / By Emma Tippetts

Utah 'Space' University -- a major player in aerospace
"Shuttle's Next Payload: Your Homework" the sign says as student after student walks through the Taggart Student Center. / By Kevin Nielsen

Wellsville honors Cooper as 'firefighter of the year'
With more than 20 years of firefighting behind him, a 20-year service award from those years and a Firefighter of the Year award, firefighter Clair Cooper continues to enjoy every minute. / By Jeremy Wilkins

Working shifts on lamb watch, students take ewe-turns at birthing time
Wearing coveralls, doing farm chores and sleeping in a barn have become familiar requirements for Utah State University freshman Chad Fuller. / By Amanda Wouden

Boys and Girls Club mark 10 years of service and fun for Cache kids
The Boys and Girls "Club" of Cache Valley is part of a national organization that helps youth in our society step it up in life and school. / By Ashley Murray

For three generations there have been Zollinger apples in River Heights

"We are one of the few small farms left in the valley that make our total living off the land," Ron Zollinger, owner of an apple orchard and tree farm, said in an interview Monday. / By Lindsay Kite

Want water answers? River Heights' Wally Jibson is the man to see
Though he's turning 90 this summer, that hasn't stopped Wally Jibson from continuing to be the city's foremost authority on water rights and development, which he has been since 1952. / By Lindsay Kite


30_Life_Code plays for the fun -- and the fans
After a year and a half and more than 20 shows, 30_Life_Code say it's all for the fans, the music and the fun. / By Jeremy Wilkins

Hyde Park students play a lively mix of bongos and body parts
Xylophones, bongo drums, recorders and body percussion were only a few of the sounds that filled the halls of Cedar Ridge Middle School Monday night. / By Lexie Kite

'Jacques Brel' puts audience in middle of French salon
Entering the set for Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris in the Morgan Theatre of the Chase Fine Arts Center was like stepping out of Cache Valley and into a French parlor. / By Tamber Weston

CD review: Jack Johnson strikes gold with laid-back beach attitude
Surfer-turned-musician Jack Johnson delivers yet another beach-inspired acoustic rock album, In Between Dreams. The breezy, catchy rhythm in all of Johnson's songs can deliver the beach to the most land-locked among us. / By Casandra Woodcox

Wild Art

Protesters mark the second anniversary of the war in Iraq. / Photos by Jeremy Wilkins

Celebrating the first Americans: A Pow-Wow photo essay by Josh Russell


Biz Features

The sky's the limit at a hands-on hobby shop
Planes painted glossy red and sunny yellow hang from the ceiling on stiff wire. The shop smells of a mixture of balsa wood, glue and paint. The vaulted, open gray ceiling is crisscrossed by gray metal beams, the perfect backdrop for miniature versions of propellers, wings and other airplane parts. / By Brooke Nelson

Zollinger's defies big-biz trends to keep making old-fashioned cider
Although the harvest has long since past, and frost covers the rows of trees on either side of their house, one Cache Valley family stays hard at work with the treasure left by fall. / By Katie Ashton

Entrepreneur goes to great lengths to improve women's undershirt
In the fashion world, low-rider jeans are still hot but showing the mid-drift is fading, a new undershirt designed by ComforTeez has stretched their limits to provide comfort and fashion.

Lewiston dog breeder sees puppies as family members
Kim and Karren Cutler have seven kids, one granddaughter and 13 dogs. They are all just part of the family. / By Mikaylie Kartchner

Toss your floppy disks -- welcome to the age of the flash drive
Many students across campus are throwing out their old floppy and zip disks and replacing them with a USB flash drive. A USB flash drive is a storage device allowing users to store, carry and transfer files, much like a floppy disk. However, a big difference between these two products lies in the fact that USB flash drives can hold a great deal more information than a floppy. / By Todd Whittington

Logan's Heroes making famous sandwiches for 18 years
Subway may be the fastest-growing sandwich franchise in the world, but it would die to have the customer loyalty that Logan's Heroes has. Founder Hamid Salehi said he has an 80 percent return rate of all first-time customers. / By Josh Cook

Absolutely everything you ever wanted to know about why your textbooks cost a fortune
Why do text books cost so much, and who is responsible for bleeding us dry at the bookstore? Surprisingly it probably isn't the bookstore itself. In fact the bookstore does more to save students money than anything else in the chain between the author and you. / By David Ackerman

Deloy's in Providence will fix your clocks or help you paint ceramics
The heat starts rising when Deloy Ashliman's fills his kiln. / By Shauna Leavitt

Smithfield upholsterer passionate about teaching her craft
Grandmothers, mothers and college students alike learn together in a beginning upholstery class taught by Cynthia Layne, owner of Upholstery by Cynthia at 64 S. Main. / By Ash Schiller

Biz News

How USU became known as Utah 'Space' University
"Shuttle's Next Payload: Your Homework" the sign says as student after student walks through the Taggart Student Center. / By Kevin Nielsen


Across Bridgerland

USU seniors can thank special people
Seniors can contribute to USU and honor special people who helped them get through college, by having the individuals listed on the printed program to be handed out at commencement events May 6-7.

Choose work that supports your values, speaker tells USU business students
A Farm Bureau Insurance employee encouraged USU students Tuesday to prepare well and choose wisely their future careers. / By Jon Cox

Millville man sentenced for domestic violence
DJ Varner of Millville was sentenced to 30 days in prison with a work release and a $2,500 fine for crimes committed Oct. 14, 2004. / By Shauna Leavitt

Utah looks for solutions to rising divorce rate
Perhaps marriage is not as easy as it appears to be, taking into consideration that the average couple in Utah has an 18 percent chance of obtaining a divorce within their first year of marriage. This number jumps to 50 percent after five years and 70 percent after 10 years. / By Kelly Hafen

Help for crime victims is close to home
Between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2004, the attorney's office prosecuted 625 cases and assisted 1,944 victims. / By Jessica Dunyon

Stalking charges will not be filed against Stump
Michael Bradon Stump will not have stalking charges filed against him and is expected to be released on bail to await trial, starting with pre-trial hearings and arraignment at 10 a.m. March 28. / By Chris Johnsen

USU student accused of harassment faces felony, misdemeanor charges
A 19-year-old Utah State University student accused of threatening to use a 12-gauge shotgun to blow the door off his ex-girlfriend's apartment now faces third-degree felony and misdemeanor charges, said USU Police Lt. Steve Milne. / By Chris Johnsen

Students vote to amend ASUSU structure
USU students have voted overwhelmingly to pass two amendments to their student government constitution. / By Trevor Brasfield

National & International News

Robot guide dog picks up where man's best friend leaves off
A new, one-of-a-kind USU robot uses the latest technology to help the visually impaired find their way when traditional guide dogs can't.

USU alumna to serve as Crisis Corps volunteer in Thailand for tsunami relief
Saundra Schimmelpfennig, a Utah State University alumna, has agreed to serve as a Crisis Corps volunteer in Thailand as part of the Peace Corps' tsunami relief efforts.

Scientists working on injectable gel to grow cartilage, repair knee injuries
As a means of preventing surgery, doctors have prescribed rest, ice, compression and elevation. When these remedies do not work, surgery is the ultimate solution. Recovery can take several months of elevation, icing and physical therapy. Torn knee cartilage (or meniscus) is the most common of knee injuries. The body does not grow new cartilage nor repair tears on its own. / By Randah Griffiths

USU team finds microbes that eat carcinogens, cleaing soil cheaply and naturally
Microbes isolated by USU researchers in a wood-treatment facility actually eat carcinogens, raising the significant possibility of cleaning contaminated soil cheaply, effectively and naturally. / By Doan Nguyen

Local News

Hyrum man gets jail for sexual battery
David Kay Gittins, 40, Hyrum, was sentenced Monday to one year in Cache County Jail for sexual battery and another 30 days for interfering with a legal arrest. / By Lindsay Kite

Wet basements notwithstanding, Nibley doesn't expect spring flood problems
Buckets full of water shouldn't be a common site in Nibley this spring, City Administrator Larry Ahnders said. / By Kevin Nielsen

Millville will expand city offices into museum space
The Planning Commission gave zoning clearance Thursday for one new home and an expansion to the city offices. / By Joseph Sheppard

Smithfield approves increase in burial fees for city cemetery
The City Council made a last-minute adjustment to the cemetery lot price for residents from the predetermined $300 down to $200 while finalizing fees Wednesday night. / By Ash Schiller

Hyde Park considers proposal for low-income housing project
The City Council is looking to multiply and diversify housing opportunities for local or prospective residents, and the Neighborhood Non-Profit Housing Corporation submitted a proposal to meet that goal Wednesday night. / By Lexie Kite

Providence antes up for mosquito abatement program
The City Council has agreed to make a one-time payment of $2,040.50 to the Cache Mosquito Abatement District to help cover its 2005 expenses. / By Shauna Leavitt

Richmond financially in the black in '04
In its monthly meeting Tuesday, the Richmond City Council was addressed by Curtis Roberts of Jones-Simkins PC, the auditing firm that handled the city's audit for the fiscal year of 2004. / By Joey Hislop

Mendon considers annexing Cobblestone neighborhood
The Planning and Zoning Commission last week discussed future plans to annex a neighborhood south of Mendon and a lot that has already been designated for a future elementary school. / By Bryan Hinton

Hyrum council approves pawn shop permit despite 'heartburn'
Citizens of Hyrum showed up to the City Council meeting Thursday to protest a pawn shop coming to their neighborhood. / By Emma Tippetts

Providence denies approval to Eagleview Estates' second phase
Subdivision plans were denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission for the second phase of Eagleview Estates because of non-compliance to public safety, water and city code requirements. / By Shauna Leavitt

Logan gets $900,000 for road improvement at 200 East and Center
Mayor Doug Thompson recently announced that Logan city will be receiving $900,000 for city streets. The money, which comes from a transportation act passed last week by the U.S. Congress, will be used at the intersection of 200 East and Center streets. / By Jen Pulham

Providence residents get look at refurbished city plan
The future general plan for the city was discussed amongst residents and council members Thursday evening at the Spring Creek Middle School. / By Shauna Leavitt

Hyrum OK's permit for pawn shop
A new pawn shop is scheduled to open for business at the beginning of April after approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday. / By Emma Tippetts

Millville P&Z approves plans for two subdivisions
New phases in both the Shire and Millville Hill subdivisions received recommendations for permits from the city Planning Commission and will be presented to the City Council once they are approved by the city engineer. / By Joseph Sheppard

Has Cache Valley's air flunked the EPA test? We'll know in a few days, Logan mayor says
"Too close to call" is how Mayor Doug Thompson described the city's unofficial air quality test results Friday. / By Lindsay Kite

Scout surveys North Logan attitudes on restaurant alcohol
As North Logan City Council prepares to make a decision regarding a new liquor license policy, they will be drawing from information gathered by 13-year-old Brian Williams. Click here for related story: Winger's has town's only liquor license. / By Jen Pulham

Smithfield hikes charges for burial plots and storm-water management
Cemetery plots will likely cost $300 for residents and $650 for nonresidents, but new prices will not be cemented in until the March 23 City Council meeting when members finalize the fee schedule. / By Ash Schiller

Hyde Park antes up to help mosquito abatement district get going
Cache Valley's mosquito abatement district is teaming up with Bear River Health Department in the fight against mosquitoes and the use of pesticides, spokesman David Gatherum told the City Council Tuesday. / By Lexie Kite

River Heghts resident still wading through flood troubles with council
The City Council and resident Tony Smith battled their way to a short-term compromise Tuesday in an unresolved basement-flooding case. / Lindsay Kite

Wells returns to council job in Nibley, looks forward to running for mayor
Talk about anticipation. Scott Wells' second grandchild could have been on the way, his wife was waiting to take him out for his birthday dinner and on top of that the Cache County Council was deliberating whether or not he would fill the vacant council spot. / By Kevin Nielsen

Newton adopts annexation policy, plans to square up its borders
The Newton annexation policy plan was adopted and authorized with no public comment Thursday. By state law an annexation plan has to be in place before proposed annexations can be entertained by the town council. / By Chris Johnsen

Quiet time in North Logan? Noise ordinance a possibility
Members of the City Council met Thursday to discuss the adoption of a noise control ordinance. North Logan currently has no noise ordinance, just common courtesy. "Don't annoy your neighbor. That's basically what we have right now," said Jeff Jorgensen, city recorder. / By Jen Pulham

Nibley councilman a finalist for County Council vacancy
City Councilman Scott Wells, associate director of Technical Services at Utah State University, says he is only involved in politics because he wants to "serve the citizens across the board." / By Kevin Nielsen

Residents of Paradise-Avon say they'll put up money for horse arena
Residents want a new horse riding arena and are willing to pay for it, according to a survey conducted by the City Council over the past two weeks. / By Jon Cox

Hyrum considers changes in prosecution services
The City Council last night discussed a possible contract with Cache County for new prosecution services, and the acceptance of an annexation petition. / By Emma Tippetts

Wellsville council postpones vote on subdivision
The City Council tabled a discussion and vote for the preliminary plat of the Trailside Estates Subdivision on Wednesday night. The subdivision, which consists of four building lots, would be on the north side of 400 North from 150 East to 115 East. / By Jeremy Wilkins

Dog complaints on the rise in Lewiston
"If you are going to have dogs, they need to be taken care of," Chairman Bruce Karren said. "And if they become a nuisance to the neighbors that's not OK." / By Mikaylie Kartchner

Gyllenskog sentenced for drug felonies
Brett J Gyllenskog was sentenced to at least one but not more than 15 years in the Utah State Prison and fined $2,500 for both counts of possession and distribution of methamphetamines. / By Emma Tippetts


Aggie correspondent back from Iraq: Glad to be living in the USA, with a sergeant's stripes
We arrived in Washington state on the 16th of March. We have been going through the demobilization process and trying to find our way back to Oregon. / By David J. Jenkins

Customer service: fact or fantasy?
Does this sound familiar? You have a cart full of groceries, you place them ever so meticulously on the belt and you walk up to the checker. He or she says nothing to you as you stand there watching them throw, cram and mutilate your groceries. The only words of the transaction are "$38.72." Your change is dropped into your hand and your receipt is thrown into a sack. / By G. Spencer Stahle

An Aggie's letter from Iraq No. 16: Safe in Kuwait and watching the rain
Greetings from Baghdad. . . . Or, more accurately put, Greetings from Kuwait. We arrived here at Camp Doha about four days ago. / By David J. Jenkins

Here's how to survive after the NFL offseason
Despite the darkness that surrounds football fans during the summer, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. It starts with the NFL draft in April, but let's not forget March Madness and MLB. / By Derrick Trujillo

An Aggie's letter from Iraq No. 15: Turning in equipment and getting one step closer to home
Four days ago, as we were packing our bags and preparing to load up for the move, our platoon sergeant briskly made his way throught he house, peeking his head into each room along the way, emphatically stating, "We're spinning up." / By David J. Jenkins


Carroll slam dunks into his first year of college basketball
Jaycee Carroll's first college basketball season has been everything he has expected and hoped for. / By Jerome Le Carrou

Climbing Mount Rainier definitely a 'rainy-er' experience
The sound of rain. I had grown up listening to that sound and loved the nights when it would lull me to sleep. This time it was different though, there was no comfort in the sound, I wanted to see the stars without the interference of the clouds. I wanted good weather. It wasn't to be, though. / By Steve McGrath

Best way to see Logan Canyon is on foot -- go hiking
Some people prefer to play in 90-degree weather, and some prefer to have fun in 20-degree weather. Here in Cache Valley you can do both. The best way to experience the beauty of Cache Valley and the breathtaking Logan Canyon is by walking through them. / By Cody Huot

Cache's Special Olympians never, ever give up
Sometimes, the best athletes are hard to find. Sometimes they are the best, not because of their time, or ability, but because of their willingness to fight disability. / By Natalie Andrews

Millville girl, 14, blows away competition in dog-sled races -- against adults
While most 10-year-old girls ask for dolls or toys for Christmas, Kylee Price asked for something else: A dog sled. / By Scott S. Jardine

Of superstitions and strange California things on the way to a Big West championship
With bungees tied to their waists, one student from Northridge and one from Pacific stood at half court with a basketball. At the sound of a whistle, the two students ran to opposite baskets and, with forces pulling them backward, tried to shoot. / By Megan Roe

March is a great time to go play in Logan Canyon
There is nothing more enjoyable than getting outside after the mounds of snow have finally melted and the flowers are in bloom. / By Chris Norris

Runners train for Boston Marathon
Waking up early one Saturday morning and realizing it is 10 degrees and you are about to embark on a 16-mile adventure takes a lot of motivation. This is what it takes to train and qualify for the Boston Marathon, better known as the Super Bowl of running. / By Chad Buck

Of kryptonite, nerds and the biggest, baddest upset in ward ball history
They don't play at the campus field house because there are already too many athletes there. They don't want to be beaten by guys they don't know, let alone lose in front of the babes working out. So, they wait until late at night, usually 11 p.m., and go to a Mormon church were they can control who plays with them. They take 10 or 12 guys. That way if other players show up they can say, "Our game is locked." / By Branigan Knowlton

70 mph on the skeleton and I scream like a little girl
To the average person, going 70 mph while lying on their stomach and having their chin just two inches away from the skin-shaving ice seems more like torture than a sport. Yet, to those who do skeleton this type of torture is pure adrenaline-soaked fun. / By Jared Ocana

Man behind Big Blue: He's a family guy who sweats off 10 pounds a night
One of the biggest secrets on campus was revealed at the men's last regular-season basketball game Friday. Big Blue took off his mask and showed spectators the person who's been behind the suit in the past three years. His name is Bo Roundy, and he's from Montana. / By Coreena Payne

Aggie men beat Idaho to secure second place in Big West, earn bye into tournament semis
Playing his last game in the Spectrum (barring a disappointing slot in the NIT), Spencer Nelson led the Aggies with 20 points, 10 rebounds and four assists in a 65-43 victory Saturday night against the Idaho Vandals. / By Jerome le Carrou

Greg Grant, Aggies' all-time scorer, thanks fans for recognizing his work ethic
Nearly 19 years after playing basketball as an Aggie, the school's all-time leading scorer, Greg Grant, can still remember his best moment on the court. / By Megan Roe

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