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Happy feet: Toes are only truly happy when you let them out to play. The return of spring has brought out the footwear of freedom, seen here outside the TSC. / Photo by Josh Russell
today's word on

Friday, April 8, 2005

"Once you have learned how to ask questions, you have learned how to learn."

--Neil Postman, journalism scholar (1931-2003)

USU JCOM NEWS NOTE: THE JCOM Department celebrates the Class of 2005 Friday with JDay, showcasing the best of student work in print and
broadcast journalism, the Web, photo, and public relations. Followed by the annual JCOM Awards Banquet--student awards, 2005-06 scholarship winner, speaker Robert Kirby of the Salt Lake Tribune, all with fine dining. For information or reservations, contact the USU JCOM Department at or 435-797-3292.

Residents of Paradise-Avon say they'll pony up for horse arena

By Jon Cox

March 5, 2005 | PARADISE -- Residents want a new horse riding arena and are willing to pay for it, according to a survey conducted by the City Council over the past two weeks.

The council contacted 89 families from an estimated 300 residents throughout Paradise and Avon. Of those contacted, 33 percent said they have horses and would be willing to pay a user fee to maintain the arena. Of those contacted, only two residents do not want an arena in town.

"They don't have horses. They won't go to the rodeo. They're not going to use it," Mayor Leroy Atwood said.

The council plans to issue a user permit to anyone who wants to use the riding arena and adjoining gravel pit. A cost on the permit has yet to be established. The cost would be to help maintain the arena after its construction.

The council continues its wait to find out if their application for the state restaurant tax has been accepted. The decision is expected sometime in May. If approved in its entirety, the city could receive $17,000.

"You can build a real nice arena for $17,000," Councilman Dave Anderson said.

He said with the city donating the land valued at $100,000 the city is more likely to receive a portion of the restaurant tax. In addition, a local 4-H club has committed to volunteer the labor costs to construct the arena, estimated by the council to be $6,000, also expected to help the city's application status.

A resident near the proposed arena, Chad Jensen, voiced concerns at the Thursday meeting that the horse arena could disrupt residential areas nearby. The council agreed neighborhood residents would be part of the planning process of the arena once it has been approved.

Also, the council discussed a letter recently received from the state auditor. This letter stemmed from the city's lack of compliance last year to state code in having excess funds not directed to any specific account. The council agreed these funds, in excess of $40,000, would be used for pending road improvements.

"We're going to spend it this year," Mayor Leroy Atwood said. "I know we will."

In accordance with the state auditor's request, the city created a new capital improvement fund account for such a purpose.

"If you tax people their money, you need to use their money, or give it back," Councilwoman Margaret Obrey said, referring to the newly created account.

In other actions, the council:

-- reiterated the city ordinance to assure no funds from any impact fee (water, roads, etc.) could be diverted to other city functions.

-- proposed the new name for a town website as being

-- considered placing all town ordinances on the soon-to-be created town website. The council decided no advertising will be conducting on the website for the time being, as its purpose is to be a service to local citizens.

-- agreed that three new youth city council members need to be appointed, bringing the council size to eight.

-- continued to prepare for the annual dog clinic scheduled for Saturday, March 5.


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