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LOOKING FOR LUNCH: A short-eared owl hunts west of the airport Sunday afternoon. / Photo by Nancy Williams
Today's word on journalism

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

On permanence:

"My work is being destroyed almost as soon as it is printed. One day it is being read; the next day someone's wrapping fish in it."

--Al Capp, cartoonist (1909-1979) (Thanks to alert WORDster Jim Doyle)





Play by Utah State Emeritus prof opens in New York
“Yielding,” a play by Utah State University emeritus professor of English Gene Washington, will be performed in New York City at the Creative Place Theatre Nov. 30 - Dec. 2. / By Amanda Marinello

Bring the tissue — Utah State Theatre presents "Hay Fever!"
"Hay Fever," Noel Coward’s comedic tale of a family wrought with self-absorption and self-induced drama comes to the Morgan Theatre stage on the Utah State University campus Dec. 2-4 and 8-11. Utah State Theatre presents the tale at 7:30 p.m. nightly. / By Jeremy Gordon

Smokey Joe's Café takes you back in a time machine
With most of the theater wide-eyed mid-fifties adults and young, uninterested college students, the cast of Smokey Joe's Café had to fulfill high expectations at Ellen Eccles Theater recently. / By Katie Nisbet

Filmmakers popping up all across campus
The next Steven Spielberg may be attending Utah State right now. Interest in making motions pictures has skyrocketed at Utah State. To accomodate these aspiring filmmakers a film club has been organized by Morgan Yost. / By Cortney Western


The DaVinci Code: A riveting read that'll make you think
If nothing else, Dan Brown's best-selling The DaVinci Code is a page-turner. Once you start, and the farther you get, the less chance there is of stopping until the bitter end. / By Emilie Holmes


Low-carb diet? You'll do better to make lifestyle changes
On the magazine rack in just about any grocery store people can read headlines like, "Lose weight before lunch," or "Our 16 smartest diet secrets." It is no secret that Americans have gone weight-loss crazy with the latest craze: Low-carb diets. / By Emily Buckley

The 9 habits of highly effective college students, from a survivor
Hi, let me introduce myself, I'm Huu Tran, a sophomore at Utah State University. What they say is true, the first year of college is always the hardest. / By Huu Tran

South African human rights activist to speak at Utah State
Utah State University welcomes South African media consultant Nkosinathi Biko to campus Monday, Nov. 15. Biko is the son of Steve Biko, a renowned leader in South Africa’s struggle against apartheid who was murdered in 1977 while in police custody. / By Mary-Ann Muffoletto

'Rendezvous with Prasanna' — An Indian classical guitar concert
Indian artist Prasanna is featured in concert during International Education Week (IE week) at Utah State University. His appearance has been arranged by Shyam Kumar, cultural secretary of the Indian Students Association at Utah State. / By Patrick Williams

The other side of the Thanksgiving story
Today the town of Plymouth is a tourist attraction, complete with an annual Thanksgiving celebration. But among the tourists are descendants of those who first lived on the rocky coastline -- the Wampanoag Indians. / By Stephanie H. Olsen


Cheerleader, rugby player take different routes into This Woman's Army
From the cheerleader next door, to the rugby player who sluffs seminary, today's Army attracts all kinds of women. With a smile as wide as a Humvee, Spc. Jeannine Brenchley sat on her calves, pushing her shins into the milk chocolate brown sofa beneath her. Unlike her flowing white skirt, she spoke in uneven, quick spurts. / By Megan Maughan Roe

Having a spouse serve in Iraq brings one couple closer, splits another apart
"I have no clue what happened. Everything was perfect, or so I thought. When she first got there she didn't write me any letters or call me for a month." / By Tara Turley

Nibley's intended name was 'Joseph,' historian Velis Nelson says
Velis Nelson comes from a long line of Nibley natives, and after a decade of research she can name every one of them, along with the other 61 families that first settled Nibley. / By Michelle Bundy

Women find opportunity and challeges in USU's Army ROTC
A hum started south of campus, and eventually became loud enough to cause students to turn their heads. The rhythm of synchronized voices became unmistakable, along with corresponding footsteps. As the sound grew nearer, the echoing words became clear: Hey, Hey we're gonna RUN (Hey, Hey we're gonna RUN) / By Michelle Bundy

These simple 'four agreements' will change your life, Godfrey says
"I promise you will live happily ever after, for the rest of your life," says Ron Godfrey. / By Camille Blake

Acting to save bulimic roommate's life cost me a friendship
I remember when I would turn down the television, sneak into my bathroom, and close my eyes so I could hear the best I could. / By Allison King

Hyrum's historical treasure includes Ted Kindred
You have to do it yourself or it doesn't happen," is the advice of longtime Hyrum resident Ted Kindred. / By Heather Williams

USU mentoring program changes children's lives
Utah State University's Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) program has mentors working with youth locally and throughout the state to decrease juvenile crimes and illegal activity. / By Lori Bonham

Where's your life's zest when you need it most?
It's one o'clock in the morning. Okay it's actually 11:30, but it feels like one o'clock. My room is a mess. / By Sarah St. John

Wartime leader in 'Book of Mormon' inspires Logan man to join military
Medals, family tradition, patriotism, the opportunity to serve your country, money for college, a chance to see the world . . . there are many reasons someone could choose to join the military. For a Utah State student it was something much more spiritual. / By Chris Calvert

Do's and don't to help your packages and cards arrive on time
With only a few short weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, time becomes a precious commodity. One doesn't want to waste it standing inline at the post office. So to help ensure that Christmas cards and bright-papered packages arrive on time, here are a few helpful hints. / By Stephanie H. Olsen

Since when has being 24 and single been a crime?
What's wrong with being 24 and single? Apparently there is something because everyone, including complete strangers are trying to set me up with "Mr. Right." / By Melissa Whitney


1st review - 'Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason' sure fun for women, insightful for men / By Ana Antunes
2nd review - If you liked Bridget Jones the first time around, you'll like the sequel / By Jennifer Cranney

'Friday Night Lights' has a powerful message
It was Friday night and my friends and I wanted to see a movie. I had heard Friday Night Lights was good, but little did I know it was so powerful I left the theater with many memories of my own experience of small town sports. / By Whitney Russler

'The Grudge' will scare the daylights out of you
When someone is killed in an act of rage, there is left behind a curse that will consume anything it encounters. / By Camille Blake

A dead-end superhero finds joy in 'The Incredibles' -- and so do we
What happens when superheroes are no longer needed? What happen with their power? Do you think they can just live normal lives? Get married and have kids? Well, the guys from Pixar Animation think so. . . . And that's what The Incredibles is all about. / By Ana Antunes

Along for the ride of 'The Polar Express'
All aboard! The Polar Express is on its way to become a holiday favorite, and people of all ages are invited along for the ride. / By Stephanie H. Olsen

'Motorcycle Diaries' personalizes Guevara, makes a star of Latin America
The movie goes far behind in the history of one of the most famous revolutionary/pop icons in the 20th century -- back to when he was just a rich (yeah! he was rich once!) medicine student in Buenos Aires. / By Ana Antunes

The force behind the phenomenon: An early look at film 'The Work and the Glory'
It was hard to find the perfect Nathan, Joshua or Lydia. With more than 300 million copies sold, the producers were worried about falling short of people's expectations. Pre-screenings helped put their fears to rest. / By Stephanie H. Olsen


Vaux's latest 'Plague Music' a testament to hardcore musical roots
Ever since being picked up by Volcom Entertainment the Denver sextet Vaux has developed quite a broad and devout fan base. For the last year one tour's end has blurred into another's beginning as they promoted their first full-length release, There Must be Some Way to Stop Them (2003). / By James Mouritsen

An inside look at 'The Forgotten Carols'
Michael McLean will be returning to Logan to spread some Christmas spirit through his annual musical, The Forgotten Carols. / By Stephanie H. Olsen

Student guitarists to perform at Utah State University
Guitar enthusiasts have been treated to the best of jazz and classical guitar this semester at Utah State University, and now it’s time for student guitarists to step into the spotlight. / By Patrick Williams

Thanks, L. L. Cool J, for waking me up to the truth
The other morning I had the television on while I was getting ready for my day. I had it tuned to VH1's Storytellers program, which was featuring L.L. Cool J's biography. / By Jennifer Cranney


Local promoters light up the valley scene with music
Just a couple of years ago it was almost impossible to find a good rock show in Cache Valley. The last couple, however, are proof that the valley is changing. You can't walk more than about 20 yards these days without seeing a flyer promoting a band and the burgeoning music scene right here in little ol' Logan, Utah. / By Seth Quillen

Financial planners can help college students who get in over their heads
Generation X has a reputation for shaking the money tree and spending, spending, spending. The only problem is, Gen-X'ers usually spend with a credit card. / By Stephanie H. Olsen



Valley man sentenced for card fraud
Thein Quoc Tran Ha, 25, of Salt Lake City, was sentenced to one year in jail and $1,229 restitution on Monday in 1st District Court. He pleaded guilty to unlawful use of a financial card, a Class A misdemeanor. / By Michelle Bundy

Funding (and explaining) 'No child left behind' in Utah
The No Child Left Behind Act was a bipartisan project introduced to close the achievement gap, making sure all students, teachers, and parents are held accountable. / By Raynie Paxton

Logan man sentenced for drug possession
Luke Hannock Anderson of Logan, 24, pleaded guilty to two 3rd-degree felonies Monday morning in 1st District Court. / By Ann Passey

Twin Towers memorial needs 'great vacancies' to reflect losses, winning designer says
Peter Walker said the design process for the memorial was extensive and included meeting with survivors as well as family members of those killed. "When you see that hole and you talk to the families, it is very emotional," Walker said. / By Loni Stapley


Basement apartments OK in Hyde Park? Not yet
The discussion of amending the zoning ordinances of Hyde Park that would be applicable to all zones by adding accessory apartments was decided to be continued in December. / By Katy Jessen

Providence tables Checketts' annexation request again
After nearly six months of argument over Stan Checketts' request to annex 220 acres of land into Providence, the City Council decided to postpone the issue once more, until January 11, 2005. / By Megan Maughan Roe

Hyrum deals with telecom tax, animal waste, 'floating' holidays
An ordinance officially adding the increase of the telecommunications tax unanimously passed at City Council Thursday night. / By Heather Williams


A Q&A with the Aggie who's the new U.S. Senate minority leader
In an exclusive interview with Sen. Harry Reid, we asked about his roots, his vote on a gay marriage amendment, and how he became a Utah State Aggie. The new U.S. Senate minority leader graduated with a bachelor's degree from USU in 1961. / By Stephanie H. Olsen

Finding truth is easier than reconciliation in South Africa, Biko's son says
"As sad as this is, it's not a unique story in South Africa," Nkosinathi Biko said of his father's martyrdom. Nkosinathi is the son of Steve Biko, the man who is widely looked upon as a symbol of black resistance against apartheid in South Africa. / By Loni Stapley

When Paris and Nickie visit the day care, it's, like, surreal
The hottest lunch hour Wednesday was at a Small Wonder Daycare in Wilmington. None of the 30 or so people at the day care center was eating, though. / By Lindsay Grace

Inside gay New Jersey governor's tearful goodbye
Gov. Jim McGreevey used his farewell address Monday to apologize, detail his accomplishments and talk about the soul-searching he has done since his August announcement of the career-damaging affair he had with a man. / By Lindsay Grace

Memorial to slaves remains a dream; park officials urged to step up project
More than two years ago, Congress directed the National Park Service to "appropriately commemorate" the slaves kept by George Washington at the first presidential mansion in Philadelphia. America is still waiting. / By Lindsay Grace


Ask a specialist: do you have tips on buying and caring for a fresh-cut Christmas tree?
A fresh-cut Christmas tree can delight the holiday senses. However, most live Christmas trees in Utah are not grown here. They are usually brought in from other states. / By Julene Reese & answer by: Michael Kuhns, Utah State University Extension Forestry Specialist

One nation, indivisble? It's time to act like it
Finally, elections are over. Everyone, it seems, has taken sides and slammed the opposing platform as hard as they could: bad-mouthing the opposing presidential candidate, destroying yard signs, and arguing Moore v. Hannity. Now it's time to stop and be the kind of nation we want and profess to be. / By Michelle Bundy

How about fixing the tuition payment process, USU?
It's that time again. I'm on the phone, sweating, worrying and anxious. I'm in a panic just like my fellow students because I have one day to call my bank, call my scholarship program, talk to my parents, and pay my tuition. / By Whitney Russler

What do 'damn' and 'liberal' have in common, anyway?
I first heard that the word "liberal" was a so-called bad word in 10th grade. My AP European history teacher was talking about Locke, Jefferson and other philosophers -- and their "liberal" ideas. / By Emilie Holmes

Where's US help for people of the Congo -- and media coverage of the horror?
As terrifying as it was, the immensity of suffering and carnage resulting from Hussein's regime does not adequately compare to that of the death, carnage and suffering found within the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as Zaire. An estimated 3.3 million people have died in the Congo since 1998. / By Brandon Taylor

I hate math and it hates me . . . oh, how unhappy we can be
Math has been a lifelong struggle of mine. I don't like it and it definitely doesn't like me. I have battled with this class for so long, and will sadly admit that I am currently taking it for the fourth time. / By Melissa Whitney


Video clips and game summary of USU's 34-25 victory over New Mexico State

Sprint for the finish - tips on training for your first marathon
Whether it's gratifying or grueling, unexpectedly humorous or inspirational, a runner's first marathon will be forever memorable. / By Maren Farnsworth

Women's volleyball team winds up conference play this weekend
Utah State's women's volleyball team, coached by Burt Fuller, is in a season with hopes to make some noise in the Big West Conference Tournament this year. / By Jodie Auger

One misstep, and your game goes from performance to rehab
You're at the top of your game. Things are going great. You've never been faster, worked harder or done better. Suddenly all that changes, because of the mere pop in your knee or a silly collision. / By Holly Scott

'Sports rage' the result of poor sportsmanship
Sports rage, a relatively new but growing phenomenon, is on the rise, especially among college campuses. Sportsmanship goes beyond the players and should include coaches, parents, and fans. / By Katie Nisbet


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