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LOOKING FOR LUNCH: A short-eared owl hunts west of the airport Sunday afternoon. / Photo by Nancy Williams
Today's word on

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

On permanence:

"My work is being destroyed almost as soon as it is printed. One day it is being read; the next day someone's wrapping fish in it."

--Al Capp, cartoonist (1909-1979) (Thanks to alert WORDster Jim Doyle)

I hate math and it hates me . . . oh, how unhappy we can be

By Melissa Whitney

November 20, 2004 | Math has been a lifelong struggle of mine. I don't like it and it definitely doesn't like me. I have battled with this class for so long, and will sadly admit that I am currently taking it for the fourth time.

I consider myself a fairly decent student. I have always gotten A's and B's in my classes; all that is except for one, Math 1010. The first time I took it was my senior year in high school. I think I passed it with a C-, barely. After high school I went to Ricks College where Math 101 was required, even if you took it in high school. I was a hotshot freshman who thought I could take 18 credits and conquer the world. Let's just say all other classes became priority and Math 101 was lost in the shuffle. I failed my first class ever. I took it again my second year at Ricks and barely skidded by with a D.

Now I am here at Utah State University where every single one of my classes transferred over from Ricks College. All that is, except for one. You got it, Math 101 or the equivalent to Math 1010.

I'm beginning to think this class is going to haunt me for the rest of my existence. I can't even count the number of people I have asked for help. Most of them look at me and start laughing hysterically. The rest of them give me a pitied glance and duck their head in shame because they can't do it either. I have had tutors. I have gone to my teacher for help. I have asked assistance from friends and roommates.

I have had more jobs than anyone I know, and not a single one has required the knowledge of intermediate algebra. I would not even know how to apply it. Y= mx +b? I don't know, does it? I mean honestly, I don't care if Y= x, y, or z.

What if that part of my brain, you know, the part that allows you to comprehend math, just doesn't work in me. Should I be tortured and punished because of my genetics? I am a journalism major for a reason. I love to write. I could understand having to take it if I were going to be an engineer or a chemist. But I'm not; I'm going to be a journalist! I have been in to see my current Math 1010 professor a few times, and even he readily confessed to me that I would never use this in my life. Why then must I be tortured!

I honestly think its time someone showed mercy on my soul. In my opinion there should be a three strikes rule for classes. If you can't pass a class after three times, they should allow you to take some sort of aptitude test that shows no matter how many times you take the class, see your teacher, or visit the math lab, you will never pass the class and you will be allowed to move on with your life. If I thought it would work I'd just start a university-wide petition to get Math 1010 thrown out completely.

If anyone out there has had the same struggles I have had with this class and have found some way around it, or if you know a teacher who will accept brownies in return for a good grade, please feel free to contact me. I can make a mean brownie.


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