December 1999


ALL ABOARD: A car pulls into a station in South Salt Lake City to pick up travelers shortly before Christmas. The light-rail TRAX transportation system had its debut last month. After a few opening-day glitches resulting from overflow crowds eager to try out the new trains, the system has been operating smoothly. / Photo by Dale Cressman

Police throughout Utah expecting wildness more than wickedness on New Year's Eve
The dawn of the millennium is expected to be sort of a BYU vs. USU football game -- except it'll be all across the state. Police departments say they expect an increase in activity, but none expects the increase to be in crime-related activity. Logan, USU say they're ready if a disaster should strike. / By Leah L. Culler

Meth lab bust leads to two convictions
A three-day trial in 1st District Court concluded last week with a jury finding a Cache County couple guilty of drug charges, including, in the man's case, the operation of a Smithfield methamphetamine laboratory. / By Leah L. Culler

Lewiston says no to money for ice rink
Janet Borg, head of the Bridgerland Community Ice Arena fund-raising committee, came to the council to ask Lewiston to donate the money from its recreational tax refund to the project. The council rejected Borg's request, saying it would rather spend the money on things that would more directly affect their own town. / By Leah L. Culler

Strays, unlicensed dogs called evidence of laxity in Lewiston kennel law
The Lewiston dog ordinance, which requires any household with more than two dogs to have a kennel license, is not being effectively enforced, says City Council member Ronda Morrison. / By Leah L. Culler

Nibley council endorses sewer system despite residents' concern over fees
When some residents at a City Council meeting objected to the $5.8 million cost, council member Scott Wells responded, "We are just like you. We are going to have to pay the $44 [fees] too. There is no hidden agenda here." / By Ben Bagley

Logan firefighters dip flag for Massachusetts brothers
More than 2,000 miles from the tragedy in Worcester, Logan flies its flag at half staff. "There is a real feeling among firefighters even though it was in Massachusetts and we are in Logan. We still feel for them and their families," says David Harston, Logan Fire Department assistant chief. / By Ben Bagley

Mendon offers 'the square' at Center and Main for elementary school
Hyrum is in the running, too, but Mendon would donate property for the Cache County School District school, and the LDS church would donate the use of its parking lot for the school during the week. Mendon would construct all curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and road restructuring needed for the school, and would also provide water to the school at no cost for 10 years. / By Kendal Bates

Staying under budget called priority for Mendon fire station
Mayor Sydney Larsen says, "If it's going to go over the budget, then don't even start (the project)." He expressed his full support and enthusiasm for the station, but reiterated that it wasn't worth breaking the budget. The proposed budget for the entire project is around $245,000. / By Kendal Bates

Juveniles arrested in summer burglary spree in Mendon
According to the Cache County sheriff's report, the youths entered 14 automobiles and garages in Mendon on July 29 and 30. The report stated that the automobiles and garages were left unlocked, or had windows that were rolled down. / By Kendal Bates

Providence home gets a business license to sell . . . um, something
Getting approval for the Marshall family to use its home for a business was supposed to be a snap. But nobody was there to tell the council what, exactly, the business would sell. After some limited explanations, and a promise to avoid the illegal, immoral and fattening side of retailing and marketing, the council gives its approval. / By Rosanne Radcliffe

Providence has a two-letter word for Millville's proposal to add 60 homes
Saying no to drugs is not the only popular thing to say "no" to, especially for the Providence City Council mayor and members. Their neighbors in Millville asked them to support their desire to add 60 or more houses along the upper division of Grand View Hills, which runs along the Providence and Millville City corporate limits. / By Rosanne Radcliffe

Suspect in shoplifting arrested at Deseret Industries
Deseret Industries security guard Joe Barnard says price-tag switching and removing is common at D.I., along with the more traditional form of shoplifting. The plain-clothes guards catch shoplifters by patrolling the aisles or watching security camera footage. When a suspect leaves the store with stolen merchandise, the guards discreetly take the person to a back room and put them under arrest. / By Nancy Heiner

Hyde Park residents question cost of library accord with North Logan
"Consider all options and let the citizens know of these options," Hyde Park resident Kathy Downs said at a recent council meeting. "A library is a wonderful thing, a tax burdenis not." / By Christine Simkins

Critical systems at USU deemed Y2K compliant
Expect the heat and the lights to be there when you need them on Jan. 1, 2000, says the committee charged with examining the millennium bug's impact on the university. / By Emily Jensen

Funding deadline just a slapshot away for Bridgerland Ice Arena
The deadline connected to an Eccles Foundation grant is Dec. 31. Efforts to date have raised $2.74 million, while the ice arena is estimated to cost $5.8 million. If built, the arenawould be home for the Utah State University hockey club, as well as open for public use. Click here for the hockey club's NCAA quest. / By Casey Hobson.

Vote on fare-free countywide transit system planned for 2000
Every year about 1 million passengers ride the bus system in Logan. In addition to serving the public's transportation needs, a countywide transit district has been described as beneficial to Cache Valley in numerous other ways, including environmental and safety issues. For example, at least 2,000 auto trips per day are being saved by the current bus system. / By Doug Smeath

USU students create PR plan for Arcata String Quartet
Four communication students have developed a media press kit on CD to be given to all major newspapers and chamber music societies around the country highlighting these accomplished musicians from New YorkCity. / By the USU communication department

Burglars sweep through Cache Valley businesses
Logan investigators tackled the case Monday morning as 10 Logan businesses reported losses totalling more than $4,000 in cash and merchandise. / By Jeremiah Stettler


The pillow shakes itself, and another day of academic challenge awaits deaf students
(12/18/99) USU student Kelli Marchant's situation is different from most deaf students. Her parents allowed her to decide whether she wanted to attend a public school or a school for the deaf. "I am glad I went to a hearing school. I have more of an advantage in the hearing world than deaf people do that go to a deaf school," she says
. / By Valerie Vaughan

Gotta use the fridge to place a video call? Sorenson Vision is working on it
(12/17/99) This Logan-based company is dedicated to the highest quality in digital visual technology and the creation of new dimensions in personal communication. Sorenson Video technology allowed the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace movie trailer to be downloaded from the Internet at the highest possible quality and with minimum download time. What will this company think of
next? / By Suzanne Galloway

Interning for Martha Stewart means perfect pink sauces and pepper pieces
(12/17/99) Tara Bench of Orem used to play with an Easy Bake Oven. After talking (and cooking) herself into a summer internship with Martha Stewart Magazine, she's working every day in Manhattan for the Queen of Domestic Perfection. / By Suzanne Galloway

Think violence is absent from Cache Valley schools? Think again
Accounts of violence are becoming more and more commonplace in the news, but often, the day-to-day lives of typical high school students are filled with violence the public never hears about. / By Doug Smeath

Willie plant maple trees? Yep, been there, done that
(12/17/99) Paul Willie of Mendon loves trees because they make a community. So when some were cut along 100 West in Mendon, Willie went to work -- with a backhoe
. / By Kendal Bates

Mendon woman envisions pioneer village, including transplanted cabin
(12/17/99) An old rock church, a historic jailhouse, and an old Presbyterian church have all been torn down and forgotten in Mendon, and a similar fate could face several other historic buildings unless Valerie Larsen can do something about
it. / By Kendal Bates

Santa jogs to celebration at 25-foot pine in River Heights
(12/17/99) "I've got to tell you something," says third-grader Megan Beutler. "I don't believe in those Santas like at the mall and stuff." But she sat on Santa's lap and asked for all three Harry Potter books in case the real Santa was listenin
g. / By Nancy Heiner.

Ham radio operators to keep ears open as clock strikes midnight
(12/17/99) The Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club and will be manning ham radios, including one in the River Heights City building, just in case disaster strikes when 2000 arrives
. / By Nancy Heiner

Pink trees, snaky trees, jungle trees -- all in book by River Heights pupils
(12/17/99) Every one of Cheri Carroll's students has been published. Not in the usual sense, but their words and drawings do appear in a book, albeit a parent-funded one
. / By Nancy Heiner

Managing growth keeps Hyrum council, mayor busy year round
(12/17/99) The problem with Hyrum is that it is too big for a part-time mayor, but not big enough for a full-time mayor, says Gordon Olson. Here's a look at how things get done in this town
of 6,000. / By Kathryn Summers

HYPNOTHERAPY IN UTAH: A three-part series
/ An in-depth series by Jeremiah Stettler
• Part One: What is hypnotherapy -- and what is it not? Although forms of hypnotherapy and visualization are used extensively in Cache Valley, Utah State University psychologist Mark Ziger explains that the public is skeptical about its use in the medical world. Some people think of swinging pocket watches and Svengalis in black suits.
• Part Two: It's not a quick fix, but. . . . Smokers and overeaters can have positive results if they are committed to changing their behavior.
• Part Three: How does hypnotherapy do what it does? It's not fully understood, but where the mind points, the body tries to follow.

Utah billionaire James Sorenson shares his business philosophy with a public relations class in the Animal Science Building during a guest lecture Dec. 2. Sorenson emphasized the benefits of having an upbeat attitude, marked by positive communication with customers and clients. / Photo by Mike Sweeney

Real-estate agent works with students who aim to buy their own homes
If you want the benefits of having your home without having to worry about landlords or how your apartment should or should not look, buying a home could be the way for you to go. "Big Mike" Thevenin explains some benefits. / By Julie Sulunga

Five Ironman competitions and 26 marathons later, he's still going
A typical week for Chuck Wood of Mendon includes 250 miles on a bike, 45 miles of running and 5 miles of swimming. It's more than exercise, it's a lifestyle. / By Jeremiah Stettler

Infant virus hard to detect at first because it mimics the common cold
The infant virus known as RSV, making its seasonal appearance in northern Utah, looks like a cold and feels like a cold. But it's not -- and it could be nastier. / By Jeremiah Stettler


Dennehy, like so many other adventurous coaches, left security for the unknown
Why did Mick Dennehy leave a cozy, successful program like the one he developed at the University of Montana? Why would anyone leave success for uncertainty, which awaits him as Utah State head football coach? It's a growing trend in sports. "It was not an easy decision to leave, and yet, I think that I'd been there long enough," Dennehy says. "I took over a successful program, and my objective there was not to screw it up." / By Casey Hobson

Utes will have revenge on their minds in renewal of basketball classic Tuesday in Salt Lake City
(12/07/99) Winning against UC San Diego gave the Aggies a chance to brush up on their man-to-man defense. They'll need that skill against the talented Utah team in the Huntsman
Center. / By Wade Denniston

Montana coach Mick Dennehy a 'great catch' for USU football program
(12/07/99) "
Montana has had a model program and has dominated its league for years," says USU Athletic Director Rance Pugmire. "Mick has been at the heart of that success and we are fortunate to attract a coach of his caliber to Utah State University." Dennehy replaces Dave Arslanian, who was fired after his second season. / By Wade Denniston

Back in the friendly Spectrum, Aggies aim to bounce back from loss
(12/03/99) After four games away from home, three at the Maui Invitational and one at Northern Arizona University, the Utah State University men's basketball team will be back in the Spectrum Saturday night to host the University of California at San
Diego. / By Wade Denniston


Committing an act of journalism in a small town: It's amazingly easy
(12/17/99) Reporters in general have a bad name, but on a one-to-one basis, people seem to be a little awed by reporters, and very willing to help students. I was very glad that all the people I spoke with were so willing to talk to me and help me. Please and thank you can get a lot, I learned. At least, in Hyrum, Utah. / By Kathryn Summers

Staying single in Utah and not worrying about it (too much)
(12/13/99) This all sounds like some sob story of some girl oppressed in Logan, Utah. It is not; it is merely an observation of someone who is not from here and finds it rather annoying that a man and woman don't want to explore before getting married. There is so much more to life than marriage and kids. Why don't you try it out? / By Julie Sulunga

Love grad school, love grad school . . . just gotta keep repeating that
(12/08/99) I do enjoy the writing and learning. My professors are inspirational, even if I don't always understand what the hell they are talking about. And the writing is great. The writing is great, the writing is great. . . . I have been in my office writing/typing non-stop since last Monday, and that was 10 days ago. Some thoughts and feelings on the first semester of graduate school. / By Lizzy Scully


Cache Valley is preparing to party small for New Year's Eve
Dumpster gatherings, small get-togethers, a few people working at restaurants and the ever-popular honeymoon ritual are some of the ways Cache Valley residents say they will ring in the year 2000. How about you? / By Melissa Bloyer

Depression, especially during winter holidays, not unusual for students
Annmarie Hancock remembers a Christmas two years ago when her world seemed to be falling apart. All her roommates drew names for a gift exchange, then went to the mall together to buy their presents. Annmarie started to wander around the mall feeling lost. "I just wanted to cry." / By Kathryn Summers

Pain so bad you forget your sister's name -- that's the worst kind of migraine
Some of the symptoms Jennifer Ryszka experiences before and during her migraines include seeing curvy lines and bright lights in front of her eyes, followed by numbness and sometimes nausea. Then the pain comes, "and if I get one really bad, I lose coordination, concentration and speech," she says. She's one of 26 million Americans who suffer migraines. Think you might have a migraine? Check this list /By Emily Jensen

Who says a happy Christmas has to be crushingly expensive? Not these Brigham City moms
Becky Bown's husband, Charlie, works as a mechanical engineer at Morton-Thiokol. When the company did away with Christmas bonuses a few years ago, "for a lot of people, it was devastating. But not for us." Bown's careful planning has given her family more than a few Christmas gifts. It's also kept them out of debt. "It's always my policy that on January first, we are totally debt-free. [Otherwise] you never catch up, and who wants to start the new year in debt?" she says. Read how three inventive families cope with greed and guilt. / By Sally H.N. Wright

Massage hailed as hands-on way to relieve stress, help premature babies develop and focus the mind
Imagine lying completely nude under a twin-sized blue bed sheet on a 6-foot-by-3-foot cushioned table. Candles are gently glowing throughout the room. Enya is whispering from the stereo. A massage therapist says, "This is your hour to relax. Feel free to fall asleep." / By Jodi Mitchell

Caring for an Alzheimer's patient: 'We just laugh at it because if we didn't, we'd cry'
Turning on all the lights every 15 minutes, starting at 4 a.m. Making coffee with no filter in the pot. Asking the same question six times because the first answer is quickly forgotten. That's a typical day. Bonnie Nordahl is one of at least 4 million Americans who have the disease that is the leading cause of age-related dementia. / By Jodi Mitchell

At 26, Jared had completed a dual major, a 2-year mission, and law school. Then, nothing
If a graph were drawn depicting the ups and downs of the first 25 years of his life, it would be steady, rolling along the top of the page, never breaking the pattern. However, in the last year, that line has dropped to extreme lows and back up again, sometimes so rapidly that it may resemble a heart monitor in steady motion. That's manic depression. / By Emily Parkinson

Buck hunters to enter lottery for deer tags because of oversales last year
The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has decided to go with a drawing in which hunters would apply for a permit by mail and their name would be put into a drawing to decide whether or not they can hunt that season. / By Eric Buchanan


Review: Color 'em glad, and hope these musicians return often to Logan
On a cold, blustery night, just as fall semester ended at Utah State University, one joint was hopping so much that someone might have thought the rafters were going to cave in. Historic Ellen Eccles Theatre in downtown Logan played host to Colors, a trio of USU students who use personal experiences in love and life to write their original brand of songs and weave their delicious harmonies.

Review: Rage's 'Battle of Los Angeles' might be angels' music for our troubled times
After eight years the members of Rage Against the Machine are only on their third album, but they have chosen to put out music and words that are close to their hearts, that mean something and that stand for something. / By Julie Sulunga

Review: 'Sleepy Hollow' typical of Burton's darkness, but more entertaining than scary
Director Tim Burton's retelling of the Headless Horseman story by Washington Irving is intriguing and fun. Johnny Depp seems right at home in the role of Ichabod Crane. / By Julie Sulunga

Review: Goodbye, goodbye to Korn's repetitiveness; hello, musical therapy
With the CD Issues, Korn has broken out of repetitive mode to create more emotion that delves into a life filled with pain and abuse. The lead singer, Jonathan Davis, delves into such hard music with some harsher words. It is almost as though music is and has always been his therapy. / By Julie Sulunga

Review: Fresh perspective, enhanced by WWII set, make the fun of 'Much Ado' contagious
Shakespeare's light romantic comedy unfolds atop a 40-foot World War II medal, and the dancing and high spirits easily spread to the audience. The dialogue between Beatrice and her rival and eventual lover, Benedick, is dynamic and will keep you laughing. So will Dogberry, for that matter. What's not to like? / By Lizzy Scully



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