November 2002



New county jail 'grows up' in three days
11/26/02 It's not very often that people see a building erected in less than a week but the new Cache County Jail, two stories and 42 cells, went up in three days. / By Tiffany Erickson

SKY ON FIRE OVER MENDON PEAK: The setting sun turns the swirling clouds over the Wellsville Range a bright pink, as the mountains darken. /Photo by Ted Pease

Nibley postpones rezone vote
11/22/02 NIBLEY -- The City Council postponed a vote on Charles Ames' request to rezone his property at 15 East Mill Road for commercial use in Thursday's meeting until future discussion on the subject gives the council more clarity. / Stefanie Snow

Utah facing budget shortfall; Leavitt vows to protect education
11/22/02 LOGAN -- Utah Gov. Michael Leavitt has reassured state colleges and universities that he is committed to protect education despite a predicted $80 million to $140 million budget shortfall.

Wellsville Council approves license for dairy products plant
11/21/02 WELLSVILLE -- The City Council unanimously approved a business license for Northern Utah Manufacturing LLC Wednesday night. / By Karina Fain

Staples agrees to environmentally friendly paper practices
11/21/02 LOGAN -- The Ecological Coalition of Students (ECOS) recently announced a resolution of its nationwide campaign against Staples, the office supply chain. / By ECOS Press Release

History 101: learning from the past
11/21/02 LOGAN -- History can provide lessons for the present, an expert on 20th-century politics said Tuesday in a lecture at Utah State University. / By Roy Burton

Credit card debate continues in Paradise
11/21/02 PARADISE -- The credit card problems for the town's fire department may have improved but they are far from over. / By Julie Ann Grosshans

Senior citizen housing proposed for Hyde Park
11/21/02 HYDE PARK -- Recommendations for an ordinance governing a planned unit development (PUD) for senior citizens were made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. There will be a public hearing on the proposed ordinance Tuesday, Nov. 26. / By Jill Heffner

Powder Mountain developers pull out of project
11/21/02 LOGAN -- Plans to develop the Powder Mountain ski area into a larger resort have been put on hold after developers Brent Ferrin and Associates pulled the plug in Weber County. / By Toby G. Hayes

Unpopular opinion column brings Tremonton student fame, grief
11/19/02 TREMONTON -- When Jeremy Brinkerhoff, a senior at Bear River High School in Tremonton, signed on with his school newspaper, the Searchlight, he had no idea he¹d be tackled during a pep rally. And he really had no idea he¹d become the subject of media coverage across Utah. / By Marie Griffin and Joe Dougherty

Two new faces elected to Cornish Council
11/19/02 CORNISH -- After a vote, the Town Council filled its two vacancies with Chris McKnight and John Forsgren Thursday night. / By Justin Creech

Millville P&Z discusses policy for the removal of commissioners
11/19/02 MILLVILLE -- The only residents other than city officials attending Millville's Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Thursday, which dealt only with internal business, were one commissioner's two young children. / By Myrica Hawker

Car hits Logan pedestrian
11/19/02 LOGAN -- Monday about 8 a.m., the driver of a vehicle owned by Utah State University hit a 46-year-old man in a crosswalk, causing him stiffness in his torso. / By Myrica Hawker

USU Trustees say yes to cooler classrooms
11/18/02 LOGAN -- Utah State University's Board of Trustees on Friday approved spending more than $16 million for campus central air conditioning, and the purchase of 550 acres of land. / By Matt Stephens

Providence, Millville officials meet to talk annexation
11/15/02 MILLVILLE -- Since their proposed boundaries overlap in some areas, Millville and Providence city officials met to peacefully discuss each city's annexation policy in a special Millville City Council meeting Thursday evening. / By Myrica Hawker

Newton council deals with a potpourri of issues
11/15/02 NEWTON -- Town council members collaborated Thursday to address residents' complaints and requests. From security to skateboarding, signs to scouting -- the council covered issues pertinent to Newton life during its monthly meeting. / By Marie Griffin

Nibley approves park property purchase
11/15/02 NIBLEY -- Ten acres of property on Hollow Road will soon become the property of Nibley City as part of the plan for a future park. / By Stephanie Snow

Callaway's may get liquor license
11/15/02 SMITHFIELD -- After an extensive discussion Wednesday, the City Council decided to set a public hearing on the issue of whether Callaway's restaurant should be allowed to serve alcohol. / By Kelsie Clark

Providence Council creates city improvement 'action plans,' mission statement
11/13/02 PROVIDENCE -- The City Council discussed improvement issues, granting impact fee waivers, and the city's finances Tuesday. / By Roy Burton

Hyde Park won't pay for North Logan library use
11/13/02 HYDE PARK -- The city is not going to commit to funds in support of adult usage of the North Logan library. The City Council agreed to send this message in a letter to North Logan Mayor Val Potter, from Hyde Park Mayor David Kooryman. / By Jill Heffner

More students, less administration will be visible at USU's 2003 graduation
11/13/02 LOGAN -- Utah State University students graduating in spring of 2003 will see a new format to the graduation commencement. / By Matt Stephens

NYC art critic discusses art and the world at USU
11/12/02 LOGAN-- A New York art critic brought a piece of his world to Utah State University students Monday. / By Marie Griffin

Hyrum mayor announces new park
11/08/02 HYRUM -- The new park property that has been in buying negotiation for over a month was finally announced Thursday night by Mayor Gordon Olson. / By Ashley Stolworthy

Hyrum's new sewer plant to improve water, environment
11/08/02 HYRUM -- Construction on the city's existing sewer plant is set to begin in spring or summer of 2003, according to Scott Rogers, principal engineer for Aqua Engineers of Bountiful. / By Ashley Stolworthy

Millville Council examines bus stop concerns
11/08/02 MILLVILLE -- If Cache Valley Transit District had its way, Millville would lose one stop in its short route. Some residents are also troubled by "unsavory characters" waiting at the bus stop near the elementary school. / By Myrica Hawker

Wellsville Council considers water rate increase
11/07/02 WELLSVILLE -- Possible water rate increases were the focus of a public hearing Wednesday night with the City Council. / By Karina Fain

ICAMP looks to smooth out kinks between UDOT and Paradise
11/07/02 PARADISE -- When Councilman Dave Anderson heard the words "access management," the first thing he asked was if it had to do with new roads. / By Julie Ann Grosshans

Trouble in Paradise: fire dept. credit cards denied
11/07/02 PARADISE -- The town fire department has found itself in an embarrassing situation: its credit cards are being denied. / By Julie Ann Grosshans

Hyde Park resident divides property to save home
11/07/02 HYDE PARK -- A city resident plans to divide the property that he combined into one parcel just three years ago in an effort to save his home. / By Jill Heffner

Trenton will buy a better firehose
11/07/02 TRENTON -- The town will help buy a new hose for the fire department, which will drastically improve Trenton's current state in fighting fires, said Councilman Darrell Egan. / By Justin Creech

Candidates question Powder Mountain development
11/04/02 LOGAN -- Candidates for public office in Cache Valley spoke out last weekend against the proposed development of Powder Mountain. Brent Ferrin, a Park City developer, has proposed a series of expansive developments in the Powder Mountain area, including restaurants, condos, golf courses and additional ski facilities. / By Jim Steitz


Richmond's Old Depot Antiques is labor of love for Barbara Graham
11/22/02 RICHMOND -- A cowbell bangs against the door when I walk in. The smell takes me back to every antique store I've ever been in. They all smell the same -- a unique mixture of old perfume and wood and dust. If mystery had a smell, I think, it would smell like this. / by Jasmine Erickson

Homeless life is 'Taylor'-made
11/21/02 LOGAN -- Besides being a double major in mathematics and biological engineering at Utah State University, Ben Taylor is homeless. / By Toby G. Hayes

Gary Thomas: keeping an eye out for Lewiston's kids
11/19/02 LEWISTON -- The oldest building in the Cache County School District and the largest geographic area both belong to Lewiston Elementary and its leopards -- the school's mascot. / By Joseph Dougherty

Smithfield senior citizens have a blast at their ball
11/19/02 SMITHFIELD -- The Stake Center gymnasium never looked so good. As the city's elderly citizens flocked to the church on Friday night, instead of the usual basketball court they found a dining room and a dance floor, decorated elaborately in red, white and blue. / By Kelsie Clark

Parents, not children, wait on the list to adopt babies
11/19/02 Last year American families adopted about 120,000 children, according to a White House press release; despite that large number, there were still 134,000 children awaiting adoption. / By Tiffany Erickson

Rushing Waters: The Gibbon River in Yellowstone National Park flows next to the road to Norris Geyser Basin, edged by young lodgepole pines. Recovery since the fires of 1988 is evident everywhere in the park. / Photo by Nancy Williams

Pat Blau's kept Nibley meetings on track for 10 years
11/13/02 My mom was driving me home from middle school and we saw a young man with long, thick black hair on the side of the road in a faded olive-drab Army field jacket and paper-thin Birkenstock sandals. / By Marshall Thompson

Overcoming obstacles is Cindy Clinger's forte
11/04/02 Her roommates and friends describe her as "unusually unusual." Her quirks and habits make people wonder where her thoughts come from. Listening to her, you might think she didn't have a care in the world. However, through her childhood, this was not the case. Cynthia (Cindy) Clinger grew up with a host of health problems. / By Jessica Kelly

Flick's Club, the Buddha of Cool, R-rated movies and me
11/04/02 My mom was driving me home from middle school and we saw a young man with long, thick black hair on the side of the road in a faded olive-drab Army field jacket and paper-thin Birkenstock sandals. / By Marshall Thompson


Hockey team skates over Idaho, 10-3
11/22/02 NORTH LOGAN - November has been a curse this season for the Utah State club hockey team. Since beginning the month, the team started a four-game losing streak, including a 12-3 blowout to Arizona on the road. Thursday was different though -- the team knew it was going to be different. / By Julie Ann Grosshans




From Cambaluc to the modern day, Beijing is a city built to inspire
11/20/02 BEIJING--Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1816 poem forever immortalized China's first foreign ruler, grandson of the notoriously brave Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan who with his band of plunderers conquered half of the known world in the early part of the 13th century. / By Leon D' souza

Vote your values Tuesday -- the choices are clear
11/01/02 When I signed on to write a column for the local newspaper, I agreed not to endorse a political candidate. But voting for a candidate may not be as important as voting for values. That, I endorse. Democracy depends on it. / By Thad Box

Staples story biased, one-sided
To the editor:

I graduated from USU's communications department in 92 and I browse through the Hard News Cafe website from time to time. A press release posted on your website about an environmental group putting pressure on Staples to save the planet caught my eye this afternoon.

I swallowed a gutfull of liberal drivel during my years at USU but at the time didn't have the life experience to see through it. When I look back now I can assure you that it influenced my career as a newspaper reporter and editor. Because of that influence early in my career I damaged peoples' lives and livelihoods because I didn't feel it necessary to aggressively seek out both sides of every story. I can attest to the fact that it does no student any good when that student's editors allow one-sided, one-source articles to get into print or posted on a website in this case.

All across this country the media is criticized for its liberal bias. I don't think it's because journalists are just inherently liberal. I think it's because that's what they get taught in school. Above all else, a journalist should want to seek and report the truth.

Regarding the article, would the Ecological Coalition of Students be interested in the fact that this year more that six million acres of federal forests have burned releasing 450,000 tons of particulates into the atmosphere? That's more pollution than every car in California would emit in 10 years worth of driving. If these students, and apparently the editors of the Hard News Cafe website, want to save the world fine. But I'm quite certain that won't be accomplished by targeting one business with misleading and dishonest propaganda.


John Thompson



--John Thompson is the Director of Information for the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation





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