March 2003



North Logan postpones vote on realignment of 2500 North
03/31/03 NORTH LOGAN -- Proposed changes to the city's general transportation plan produced "outstanding issues" of homes and road width for the Planning Commission, resulting in the abandonment of a recommendation. / By Rachel Jefferies

River Heights nearly finished with new subdivision approval law
03/27/03 RIVER HEIGHTS -- The Planning and Zoning Commission has been putting the finishing touches on a new subdivision ordinance that could go into effect next month. / By Mark LaRocco

Hard News Cafe wins big-time in student journalism competition
03/27/03 The Hard News Cafe swept the 2002 Mark of Excellence student online journalism awards for Region IX of the Society Professional Journalists. / By the USU department of journalism and communication

SPIKE AT USU: Film Director Spike Lee spoke to students as part of the ASUSU Arts and Lectures program. Lee focused on issues ranging from film making to politics. / Photo by Toby G. Hayes

Deposits on pop cans helped start film career, Spike Lee says
03/27/03 He can normally be seen behind a camera or courtside at a New York Knicks game. But noted film maker Spike Lee was in Logan on Tuesday speaking to a capacity crowd of 2,000 at Utah State University. / By Toby G. Hayes

Providence residents protest non-inclusion
03/27/03 PROVIDENCE -- Residents are tired of being left in the dark when it comes to decisions made by the City Council. / By Marie MacKay

River Heights nixes payment on 'reorder' that was never ordered
03/27/03 RIVER HEIGHTS -- City Recorder Sheila Lind reordered a toner cartridge for the office printer. Only she didn't order one the first time. "I didn't remember ordering that, but I thought, oh well, I guess I forgot," Lind said. / By Mark LaRocco

State wants to know how Hyrum plans to manage storm water
03/26/03 HYRUM -- Storm-water management was brought to the attention of the Hyrum City Council Thursday night when the March 10 deadline pasted for submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the state. / By Kelly Dunn

Sentencing for Cook on felony DUI postponed
03/26/03 Cody Loran Cook, 23, of Logan, continues awaiting his sentence involving two third-degree felony DUI charges, pending the court's review of Cook's two prior pleas in similar incidents. / By Hilary Judd

More people calling Paradise home
03/24/03 PARADISE -- Residential building is increasing, and has been for the last three years, according to the latest report on building in the town. / By Landon Olson

North Logan OKs Utah State campus expansion
03/24/03 NORTH LOGAN -- After two motions, the City Council finally agreed Thursday night to support expansion of Utah State's "Innovation Campus." / By Rachel Jefferies

Wellsville's new caseinate plant has open house
03/24/03 Although the controversy surrounding the new factory has been minimal, the owners are doing all they can to dispel any animosity from Wellsville residents. / By Jacob Moon

What's a government 'taking'? River Heights learns about property rights
03/18/03 RIVER HEIGHTS -- Private property ombudsman Craig Call visited the River Heights City Council Tuesday night to give a presentation on property rights and disputes. / By Mark LaRocco

Mendon OKs third phase of Pheasant Hollow subdivision
03/18/03 MENDON -- With comfort levels on the rocks and the room tight with tension, the City Council finally made a decision regarding a new development that has its sights set for the northeast side of Mendon. / By Jamie Karras

Neighbors convince North Logan council to postpone decision on USU's Innovation Campus
03/18/03 NORTH LOGAN -- A decision to approve expansion of Utah State's "Innovation Campus" was tabled by the City Council because of neighbors' concerns with potential traffic and noise issues. / By Rachel Jefferies

Looming war hits home for USU students
03/17/03 The possibility of war with Iraq has many effects on Utah State University and its students. / By Ellie Riggs

Hyrum plans annual spring cleanup in April
03/17/03 HYRUM -- It's almost that time of year again for Hyrum City to do its yearly spring cleanup. / By Kelly Dunn

Music opens minds both young and old, writing professor says
03/07/03 When a writing professor had Neil Young sing Down by the River many years ago, it changed his life. Now he uses music to open the minds of his students as they put words on paper. / By Skeeter Ellison

PEACE RALLY: Students gather on the TSC patio to protest a possible war with Iraq. / Photo by K'Leena Murphy/Utah Statesman

Peace rally draws heat from both sides
03/06/03 LOGAN -- Nearly 200 Utah State University students expressed their plea for freedom, whether for war or against it, Wednesday on the Taggart Student Center patio. / By Marie MacKay

New youth council takes oath in Wellsville
03/06/03 WELLSVILLE -- On Monday, Feb. 18, Wellsville City held elections for the new Youth City Council. Shannon Case was elected mayor over the new council, and eight other youth were appointed to council positions. / By Jacob Moon



Tribulations of motherhood: joys and many, many struggles
03/31/03 Clara Louise Kimber, age 3, hates green beans. She prefers Box Elder bugs and grasshoppers to spiders. Her favorite teacher at preschool is Miss Jenny and her favorite crayon color is green. Clara says that she loves chicken and likes chocolate milk. / By Heather Strasburg

Midwives make a comeback in medicine
03/31/03 It used to be that doctors were only for sick people. Not pregnant people. / By Toby G. Hayes

HOW IT WORKS: Ben Elliott, a senior chemistry major at USU, explains his research to Kyle Tubbs, another senior chemistry major, last week at the National American Chemical Society Meeting. The meeting was in New Orleans from March 23 to 29 with more than 11,000 chemists from across the country in attendance. Researchers come to these conventions to share their most recent research and get ideas from others in their field. / Photo by Amy Fuller

Crawling and climbing over rocks in a jeep gives Tyler Wolford his biggest thrills
03/24/03 Every year, as autumn gives way to winter and a deep chill begins to settle over much of the nation, four-wheelers from coast to coast reluctantly begin the process of prepping their vehicles for storage to await the spring thaw. / By Kelli Carlson

Help Desk has answers for USU students, faculty and emeriti
03/24/03 Imagine working in a field where a day never goes by without learning or experiencing something new and exciting. / By Dan Houtz

Ostara? Imbolc? Ancient pagan celebrations became Easter and Valentine's Day
03/20/03 People have just returned from taking a walk through a park filled with gardens. They gathered seeds, dirt and flowers to later place on the altar after they have finished decorating and coloring eggs. There is a feeling of spring lingering in the air as they prepare dandelion wine, bread and vegetables for the feast that will follow the ritual. / By Jessica Kelly

Research forms USU's bedrock, for both faculty and students
03/20/03 With the down turn of the economy, everyone is taking cuts. Utah State University is not an exception. Programs and jobs are taking hits and some are being eliminated. Researchers at USU are proving why research matters at USU. / By Camey Hatch

Starting your Internet business the right way
03/19/03 Electronic commerce seems to be everywhere these days. It's nearly impossible to open a newspaper or magazine without coming across an article about how electronic commerce is going to change all our lives. / By Deron Hansen

Center offers help to victims of abuse and their families
03/17/03 There is a great work going on in Logan that is receiving little or no recognition. The Child and Family Support Center is an organization in Logan dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The center offers support for children and adults who are victims of abuse. / By Tara Oldroyd

Geocaching? X marks the spot
03/17/03 Have you ever played a game where you were the only contestant and the journey was sometimes more exciting than the end result? For Logan resident Layne Smith and thousands of others, that is one of the wonders of what has become 21st century treasure-hunting, geocaching. / By Shari Phippen

Political apathy abounds at USU
03/07/03 LOGAN -- According to a survey administered last week to 30 chosen, single USU college students in housing, seven out of 10 people said that keeping up with politics was either only somewhat important, or not important to them at all. / By Callie Taggart

OUR WORLD: Kaori Sasakura, above, performs a traditional Japanese summer festival dance at the Ms. and Mr. International Cultural Evening on Friday. Ms. India and Mr. Mexico, Shatabdi Sholly Sharma and Ernesto Lopez, below center, were named Ms. and Mr. International. Other participants surround them. / Photos by Debra D'Souza

Tango, judo, stunning clothes highlight the magic of USU's international evening
03/05/03 We should have realized the competition was over when the women began to swoon during the middle of Mr. Mexico's heart-wrenching love song. / By Debra D'Souza

Argentina's fall: The Salas family story
03/04/03 Argentina, The 1970s. The crowing of the cock at first light has been replaced by the banging of guns and the swish of bullets whizzing by. / By Leon D'souza

DAIRY ROYALTY, APPROPRIATELY, AN AGGIE: Tara Stephenson, a freshman at USU (center), was named First Attendant at the State Dairy Princess Pageant Thursday night. Stephenson was named Cache County Princess in April. As First Attendant she will be seen in many parades in Utah, attend many dairy-related events, and make presentations about the importance of dairy in a daily diet. Stephenson is majoring in political science and is excited about opportunities to serve the community. At left is 2002 Dairy Princess Jessica Cowley; at right is 2002 First Attendant Angie Perry. / Special to the Hard News Cafe

Black history is far more than a sidebar to America's story, professor says
03/03/03 RICHMOND -- There is a growing consensus that black history month should be abolished, but not because African-Americans are not important -- in fact, quite the opposite. / By Seth Quillen



A climber is silhouetted against the sky in Logan Canyon. / Photo by Amy Fuller

Want to try rock climbing?
03/17/03 Movement, momentum, strength and mental capacity are all essential ingredients in rock-climbing. Logan climbers have been putting their skills to the test in a climbing mecca located less than 15 minutes from downtown Logan. / By Matt Stephens


Fun with four-leaf clovers
03/27/03 Imagine being pampered for more than four hours.A burst of cool water rains down, followed by a lather of soap and a rinse.The sun's rays and a breeze draw the moisture out of your hair. Someone runs conditioner across the strands and then combs them out smooth, stroke after stroke, with a soft-bristled brush. Next come a haircut, shave and pedicure. Sound like your average trip to a health spa? Think again. This special treatment is devoted to a horse./ By Karina Fain

The most bang for grocery buck: Let's compare prices and service
03/26/03 Smith's has a Fresh Values Card, Lee's advertises "spectacular savings" and Wal-Mart promises to have the lowest price always. So with everyone claiming to have great prices, where can you get the most bang for your grocery buck? / By Clark Jessop

The high-heel dilemma: Do women's shoes have to hurt?
03/18/03 In today's day and age, so much emphasis is put on outer beauty. But, with many women experiencing so much inward pain, it has researchers wondering just why women put up with all the grief that comes from wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. / By Angalee Jackson




News from combat zone enthralls Utahns, and that's OK
03/28/03 Just as there is war taking place in the Middle East there is another kind of war taking place on the United States own shores: news wars. / By Skeeter Ellison

A peace rally apology
03/18/03 By the time you read this, we may be at war. Nevertheless, I want to apologize to the students who I yelled at during the Peace Rally at USU on March 5. / By Mike Bullock

Why punish hate?
03/01/03 Six years in the making, a hate crimes bill has been passed by the Utah House and now awaits consideration in the state Senate. / By Les A. Roka



Social Security and the sanity factor
03/24/03 Money makes people crazy, that's a given. But Social Security and retirement makes people just plain looney. / By Toby G. Hayes


Remote Montana beauty in eye of beholder, author says
03/27/03 Life on a ranch is anything but glorious. About 50 people crammed into the attic room of Chapter Two Books on Wednesday to hear author Judy Blunt tell of her experiences living on a Montana ranch, as she read from her new book, Breaking Clean. / By Toby G. Hayes

Trail walker Scott Chisholm pulled a golf cart, but it quickly fell apart on the rough prairie. His book, Following the Wrong God Home, was published this month. / Photo by Toby G. Hayes

Walking the Mormon Trail puts author in touch with the American spirit
03/20/03 The Mormon Trail is 1,300 miles across the plains and rugged Rockies blazed by Brigham Young and thousands of LDS faithful. Scott Chisholm walked it too. He is neither LDS nor a pioneer, but made the trek in search of the American dream. / By Toby G. Hayes

Local illustrator launched art career at 13
03/19/03 At age 13, Brian C. Hailes, now a fine arts major at Utah State University studying illustration, designed a United States postage stamp. / By Celestial Starr Bybee

STORYTELLER: Erik Pearson and Diane Ferlatte perform Friday night in the TSC auditorium. Diane tells stories and sings while Erik accompanies her. They have been performing together for 5 years. "Sometimes it is better to be yourself" was one of the messages she shared with the audience. / Photo by Amy Fuller/Utah Statesman

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