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WINTER Wear: An avocet wades in the Bear River to look for a tasty snack. The bird's black-and-white winter plumage heralds the onset of cold weather. / Photo by Mike Sweeney

Today's word on journalism

Friday, November 11, 2005

On journalists during wartime (for Veterans Day):

"[I]n the news media that covered the war both overseas and domestically, journalists also were willing to cooperate and do their
part. The public did not see journalists (and journalists did not see themselves) as being against the team. Journalists were part of the team. Some, such as roving correspondent Ernie Pyle, repeatedly visited combat zones even though they did not have to do so, and they paid with their lives."

--Michael S. Sweeney, press historian, 2001 (from "Secrets of Victory," about censorship during WWII)


VOTERS' GUIDE: Millville candidates address communication, attendance

By Holly Adams

October 28, 2005 | MILLVILLE -- Candidates for mayor and city council spoke to a large crowd for Meet the Candidates Night. Residents were allowed to ask the two mayoral and three council candidates about their point of view on the issues Millville is facing.

Guy Curtis is running against incumbent mayor Michael Johnson for the position of mayor. The candidates are facing several issues, but the most obvious is the availability.

Johnson said the reason he is running is because he enjoys it. He has been the mayor for two years and wants to continue serving the city.

Curtis, who is serving on the city council, said he is looking at bringing better communication to the city. "There's more to being a leader than saying 'I was there,' you have to be available and approachable. It's key to attend to your duties."

Both candidates were asked to justify their absences from city council meetings. Curtis missed seven meetings and was late for an additional seven meetings. Johnson was absent for one meeting.

"My family is No. 1," Curtis said, "If my son has a football game and I have a city council meeting on the same night, you know where I'll be. And if I'm late it's because of things I cannot control."

Johnson said, "We need the commitment to attend meetings. You've got to be [at the meetings] or you won't be able to do the job you were elected to do. If you can't be on time, don't come at all," he said.

The two candidates were asked what their goals for the next several years were. The candidates' views of where the city was at and where it should be going differed.

Johnson said as things come up they can change, but right now "I think we're doing a good job. These projects are going to happen no matter who is elected."

Curtis has plans to build a city Web site for better communication between the council and the community. "It's important that we push ideas through," Curtis said, "I have a vision to make Millville better than it is."

The candidates for city council are Bob Bates, Ryan Pierson and Mark Bodily. The city's motto is "country living at its finest." The audience wanted to know how each candidate intended on keeping the rural atmosphere, as well as their stand on various other issues.

Bates, who is retired from the military, said he wants more community involvement. "I'm available and I have the time to put into it."

Bates said he wants to set standards for everyone in the city. "We need to do what's best for the community. Sometimes it's not always what's popular. Sometimes everyone doesn't always understand. But we try to do what's best."

In response to the questions about availability Bates said, "If you accept this job you need to do what is expected and what you need to do."

This will be Bates' third time running for the position. "They say the third time's the charm. Let's hope," he said.

Pierson has lived in Millville for 13 years and said he wants to give back to the community. "I don't have a lot of experience with city government, but I'm a quick learner. There are a lot of things to learn to make good decisions for the community.

Balance was Pierson's focus when asked about availability. "It's important to be at meetings and on time. I also think it's important to be with your family."

Pierson said he was running to help the community. "I appreciate where I live and how I live and I want to keep it that way. We have a good community atmosphere."

Bodily grew up in Millville and said he loves the atmosphere and country feel there. "I want to listen to everyone's ideas and continue to make decisions that will keep our community safe for our kids.

"Your council is going to vote for what is best for the community," Bodily said, "You need to be there for the community."

Bringing an educated decision to the meetings was Bodily's focus. "You need to bring the materials that are pertinent to the issues and make the right decisions. "I love Millville and I hope it will stay a great city for years to come. I hope I can make the best of it," Bodily said.


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