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view from the top : Numerous trails of Mount Naomi lead through some of the most spectacular alpine scenery found in the intermountain west./ Photo by Melissa Kamis
Today's word on journalism

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

"The First Amendment gives everyone -- including nuts -- free speech,
but free speech has a purpose: that the people may judge for themselves
and bury the nuts with indignation. We fail our founding fathers if we
let blowhards rage on talk radio, in little magazines and in nasty
books without delivering counterattacks.

   -- Barron's, Aug. 9, 2004 (Thanks to alert WORDster John Mollwitz)

Cool, clear water? Lewiston looking for money to buy a well

By Erik Bateman

March 24, 2004 | LEWISTON -- Rights to the Avery well are up for sale and Lewiston wants to buy. With a $400,000 price tag, Lewiston city officials are struggling to find the necessary funds to complete the sale.

The deal will give Lewiston outright control of the water for the next 15 years. A down payment of $50,000 to is needed secure the sale of the well.

The real snag is that Lewiston does not have that kind of money to purchase the rights to the well. Around $8,000 is in the city budget to put towards the overall cost. The benefit, however, would be lower city water and irrigation costs to Lewiston and surrounding areas. This action is specifically targeted at lowering farming costs.

According to the public works committee chairman, Kelly Field believes there is a possibility to raise nearly $20,000 through the sale of city assets and budget relocations. Though the city still needs more than $20,000, plans for fundraisers and seeking out grant money are in the works.



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