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view from the top : Numerous trails of Mount Naomi lead through some of the most spectacular alpine scenery found in the intermountain west./ Photo by Melissa Kamis
Today's word on journalism

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

"The First Amendment gives everyone -- including nuts -- free speech,
but free speech has a purpose: that the people may judge for themselves
and bury the nuts with indignation. We fail our founding fathers if we
let blowhards rage on talk radio, in little magazines and in nasty
books without delivering counterattacks.

   -- Barron's, Aug. 9, 2004 (Thanks to alert WORDster John Mollwitz)

Hyrum considering increase in its impact fees

By Kelli Dodgen

March 6, 2004 | HYRUM -- Looking to build a new home in Hyrum?

Future residents should be aware of the increase of impact fees that may affect the upcoming growth of Hyrum.

The City Council Thursday held a public hearing to discuss concerns and to hear comments about the increase of impact fees for existing and new developments.

Impact fees are a one-time fee, which is imposed, as a condition of development approval, to raise revenue for new or expanding public facilities.

The fee may for the Hyrum culinary and piped irrigation water systems, the wastewater (sewer) collection treatment system, storm drainage, parks, and roads.

Developers voiced their frustration, saying that raising the current impact fees would turn away growth of the city.

"Hyrum is not as customer friendly as it once was," said Troy Kartchner.

Hyrum breaks down the fees into parks, $600; water, $416; sewer, $227.98; and roads east of 800 East, $1,300. The council has not changed the impact fees for seven years. The re-evaluation of the fees will cause an increase because of the strong demand for new physical facilities, culinary water, water storage, storage and treatment centers and distribution.

"If we do not raise the . . . fees, in five years we will be in trouble," said Mayor Gordon M. Olson.

Larger cities such as Logan have not implemented impact fees, but Logan Councilwoman Tami Pyfer said the city is considering them.


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