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Today's word on

Friday, September 9, 2005

Scene: Calvin and Hobbes are reading the newspaper.

Calvin: "I like following the news! News organizations know I won't sit still for any serious discussion of complex and boring issues. They give me what I want: Antics. Emotional confrontation. Sound bites. Scandal. Sob stories and popularity polls all packaged as a soap opera and horse race! It's very entertaining."

Hobbes: "Then commentators wonder why the public is cynical about politics."

Calvin: "You can tell this is an in-depth story because it's got an article next to a chart."

--Calvin & Hobbes by cartoonist Bill Watterson, 2005


Opportunities abound to make this a summer of service

By Kristin Bishop

July 12, 2005 | Instead of spending this summer sunbathing by the poolside or watching hours of television, you could choose to fill your summer with service and fun. The Val R. Christensen Service Center is a wonderful asset to Utah State University and offers countless opportunities for volunteer work and service to citizens in need in our very own community.

The Val R. Christensen Service Center has been in place since 1970 and is now one of the largest groups on the USU campus. The Service Center's mission statement is to "prepare students to make lifelong contributions through service, to provide students with the opportunity to serve, and to foster positive attitudes, personal growth, and change, through service of the community and environment." The Val R. Christensen center offers over 20 programs for students and citizens to choose from, offering them a great variety and a huge range of activities in need of volunteers.

Some of the programs include: Best Buddies, College Bound, Adopt-a-Grandparent, Hot Shots and Habitat for Humanity. The Best Buddies program involves enhancing the lives of Cache Valley citizens that have intellectual disabilities. Each individual gets one-on-one time and attention from a volunteer. This program is great for both the disabled and the volunteer, offering both with a friendship and growing experience.

The College Bound program was created to motivate young children to attend college and strive for higher education. This provides middle school age children with mentoring and encouragement while creating beneficial friendships. The Adopt-a-Grandparent program was designed to create involvement with the elderly in the community. This program provides students with a greater respect for the elderly and their contributions while providing the elders with monthly activities and regular, consistent visitors.

The Hot Shots program provides students with the flexibility of being informed of every service opportunity on and around campus without making a regular commitment. Hot Shots provides people with regular e-mail updates about service and volunteer opportunities. The majority of college students are too busy to commit to one specific program, which makes Hot Shots the perfect program for the over-scheduled individual.

Habitat for Humanity is another wonderful program that seeks to provide the less fortunate with homes of their own by gathering volunteers to build simple, decent, affordable houses. This program is a great contributor to Cache Valley and helps house thousands of people each year.

The Val R. Christensen Service Center encourages everyone to volunteer and become service-oriented this summer. Serving others will better the lives of people around you and at the same time offer leadership and self-improvement techniques for you to grow from. Planning and participating in service projects will fill your summer with fun, while contributing greatly to the community. Visit the Val R. Christensen website to learn more about becoming a volunteer. The site also lists a number of various programs that may better fit your personality.

It's not too late to make this summer memorable and become an important tool in the life of someone in need.


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