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A CHAT WITH STAN: New USU President Stan Albrecht talks of faculty salaries, football stadiums and a boyhood dream. Visit the News: Across Bridgerland section for story and pictures. / Photo by Josh Russell
today's word on

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Those were the days:

"The way I had it is all gone now. The bars are
gone, the drinkers, gone. There remain the smartest, healthiest newspeople in the history of the business. And they are so boring that they kill the business right in front of you."

--Jimmy Breslin, newspaper columnist, 1996 (Thanks to alert WORDster Jim Doyle)


Smithfield considers hitting airwaves with city TV channel

By Ash Schiller

January 27, 2005 | SMITHFIELD -- The city may have its own television channel if Cisco Digital Media finds sufficient sponsorship within the community, the City Council decided Wednesday night.

The cable channel would have information about upcoming events, meeting agendas and local weather conditions, said Trevor Stokes, a Cisco Digital Media representative. The station could also broadcast events such as Sky View High School games.

Stokes described the service as "very cost effective." The company donates the basic equipment and the city won't have to hire any new employees, he said. The city simply sends the text of what they want aired, and Cisco will design each slate.

Homes would need to have cable in order to access the station, Stokes said. According to Comcast, this includes about 50 percent of the homes in Smithfield.

The funding issue could be resolved with sponsorship by local businesses, Stokes said. Sponsors' business logos along with location information and photos would be shown periodically on the channel.

The council decided if the company could find businesses willing to sponsor, they would try the station for one year.

Mayor Ray Winn said he thinks it would be a good thing for the community. Winn also expressed interest in involving the production class at the high school.

In other business, the council considered raising the cost to be buried in the Smithfield Cemetery. Rates in Cache Valley are the cheapest in the state, and Smithfield is the cheapest in Cache Valley. This is causing an increasing amount of non-resident burial requests, Janice Mikkelsen, council member, said.

Rates have increased by 15 to 20 percent over the past two to three years. Mikkelsen said Smithfield residents have the right to be buried in the city, and increasing non-resident burials are decreasing space available to residents. "We have to look out for our citizenry," she said.

Raising the rates would discourage non-residents who are coming from locations as far as Las Vegas, the council decided. It would also help meet annual burial and upkeep costs. A decision on the amount of increase and other details will be discussed at a later meeting.

The council also approved the relocation of the American Legion facility and their beer license. The American Legion plans on building a new legion hall on 100 South, just across the street from their current location. The new facility will have an expanded interior and outside areas that could be used for weddings.

The new facility will also house a shooting range. The range could be used by many people in the community, an American Legion representative said, including those obtaining their Hunters Safety certification, the police station and scout groups. There are 112,000 Scouts in Cache Valley and only 12 lanes available in Logan, he said.

The new American Legion building will be located on 100 South. Council members discussed creating a master plan for the surrounding area, perhaps coordinating with the American Legion.

Other council business included:

--Rik Vernon and David Price of the Planning and Zoning Committee and Glen Jay Thornley of the Historical Board will be reappointed.

--Resolution 05-01, 05-02 and Ordinance 05-02 were all passed unanimously by the council. Resolution 05-01 involves adjustments to the budget, 05-02, City Personnel Manual, Ordinance 05-02, outdoor lighting standards.

--The council also gave authority to O. Dean Clegg, City Recorder, to write off uncollectable utility bills totaling $6,637.15.


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