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A CHAT WITH STAN: New USU President Stan Albrecht talks of faculty salaries, football stadiums and a boyhood dream. Visit the News: Across Bridgerland section for story and pictures. / Photo by Josh Russell
today's word on

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Those were the days:

"The way I had it is all gone now. The bars are
gone, the drinkers, gone. There remain the smartest, healthiest newspeople in the history of the business. And they are so boring that they kill the business right in front of you."

--Jimmy Breslin, newspaper columnist, 1996 (Thanks to alert WORDster Jim Doyle)


Lower utility bills? Nibley considers decreasing sewer charges

By Kevin Nielsen

January 24, 2005 | NIBLEY- The highest sewer fees in the valley might be coming down soon.

The Nibley City Council, at their meeting Thursday Jan. 20, discussed lowering the sewer fees to between $29 and $33 monthly. The drop would be a savings of between $6 and $10 a month for homeowners.

There will be a public hearing to discuss the fee drop on Feb. 3 during the city council meeting.

"We could come out with a very positive story," Councilman James Waite said. "But we're not trying to sneak anything past anyone."

What the council would be sneaking past is the proposed $4 per month jump in storm water fees to cover the new regulations put into effect by the state of Utah and the Environmental Protection Agency. The council in emphasizing the storm water fee made light of the predicament that Logan City is having getting their storm water fee passed.

The council agreed the sewer fee drop was an important part of Nibley's future planning considering the storm water hike and the need for a water rate hike in the somewhat near future. The timing of the fee hikes and drops was an issue for some council members.

"I want the city to get credit for dropping the sewer fee," Councilman Scott Wells said.

Wells said the council should raise the fees first so the citizens will remember the sewer fee drop. The council was split as to how the changing fees should be handled time-wise.

In other action the council:

--Approved the revised budget for 2004-2005, which put more money into parks and capital improvements and better specified the use of theretofore deemed miscellaneous funds.

--Was introduced to the new Cache County Deputy Sheriff over the Patrol Division, Chad Jensen. Council members commented on the increased citations that were given in the Nibley city limits and the effect they have had on the citizens.

--Praised the snow removal crew for the great job they did handling the snow storm of Jan. 9 - 11.

--Recommended repealing the Public Utility District (PUD) ordinance in order to fix the provisions that are not satisfactory to the council members, effectively halting new PUD proposals going through the system. The proposal will be presented to the planning and zoning commission on Jan. 26 and will be voted on by the council Feb. 3.

--Discussed names of potential candidates to fill the vacancies of Paul Bernston and Jill Galloway on the planning and zoning commission. Whoever the mayor appoints should be approved before the next planning and zoning meeting next week.

--Discussed endorsing an agricultural protection bill that was presented at a meeting of mayors and city councilors for the state of Utah.

--Scheduled public hearings for Feb. 3, in addition to the hearing for the sewer fee, for the two PUD developments of retirement housing subdivisions.



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