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CAN'T GET SPRING FAST ENOUGH: Shorts, skirts and flipflops: Students outside the TSC are eagerly awaiting the warmth that has been favoring Salt Lake City for weeks. / Photo by Josh Russell
today's word on

Thursday, March 10, 2005

From the High School Free Speech Front:

"If they feel an article isn't appropriate, they will pull it -- or ask the student to make changes to it. They said that isn't censorship. They said they're just approving or not approving what goes in. What's your definition of censorship?"

--Hawley Kunz, co-editor of the Warrior News, Weber High School, Pleasant View, Utah. The principal ordered prior review of the monthly newspaper after an editorial critical of the condition of the school's running track. (3/8/05)

Hyrum postpones vote on funding mosquito abatement district

By Emma Tippetts

February 18, 2005 | HYRUM -- The City Council met Thursday and discussed the needs of funding for the Cache Mosquito Abatement District. Each member of the district is asking to give a grant of one dollar per citizen to the district for the fund. Each of the surrounding areas in Cache County are members of the district except for Logan, Mendon and Trenton.

The mosquito abatement district was created last year and will be funded by taxes. The problem is the tax money won't be available until the end of the year, abatement must start in April to be effective. The start up fund will help with short term expenses such as mailings, postage, space rentals and equipment.

Councilman Tom Labay said the budget is about $160,000, but that money will come at the end of the year, so it will take a few years to catch up.

"Our budget is small enough we were thinking of issuing fly swatters," Labay said.

Mayor Gordon Olsen said this issue is an important one and needs to be addressed.

"Besides being unpleasant, [the mosquitoes] provide health risks," he said.

Labay, who is a member of the mosquito abatement district, said because had a conflict of interest he would not be able to vote. There was not a quorum available, so no vote was taken on the issue. It was decided the issue needed more recommendations and public input.

The council also discussed a city ordinance clarifying parking restrictions for recreation vehicles, agricultural equipment and supplies, semi-trucks and trailers on public property.

"This is a complex issue, and a significant issue that affects every block," Councilman Brent Jensen said, the ordinance must be planned and considered. A motion was made for the council to wait for the general planning meeting to move any further on the issue.

The council discussed the annexation of public property, and the possibility of a moratorium on the issue until the general plan is revised. Councilman Jensen said the council is absolutely sovereign when it comes to annexation, and suggested taking each situation on a case by case basis rather than a "blanket" moratorium. No decision was made until the general planning meeting.

An open workshop on the city master plan was planned for Thursday, Feb. 24.


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