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DO THEY GET COLD FEET?: Ducks paddle upstream at Third Dam in Logan Canyon. / Photo by Mike Sweeney

Today's word on journalism

Friday, January 20, 2006

Variations on "truthiness":

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please."

-- Mark Twain, author, newspaperman and humorist (1835-1910)

MENTORS WANTED: Media professionals in all fields wanted to serve as email mentors for journalism students. If interested, send email slugged "Mentors" to Ted Pease (

Arrests for drunken driving increase in winter, police say

By Angel Larsen

December 9, 2005 | LOGAN -- With the temperature changes of winter comes possible crime changes for law enforcement officers.

Capt. Dave Tarbet of the Logan City Police Department said the driving under the influence of alcohol arrests increase in the winter. "People are cooped up [in the winter]," Tarbet said. "They go to bars to do something."

He also said truancy increases while juveniles are still in school but during the summer, vandalism and curfew breaking increases. He said these crimes are higher in the summer because juveniles are out of school.

Chief Deputy David L. Bennett of Cache County Sheriff's Office said that juvenile crimes increase during summer months because "they want to be outside and do things."

Bennett said crime rates change at different seasons but the reasons for the changes are not clear.

He said auto burglaries seem to increase during summer months. "Bad guys don't want to be miserable and cold either," Bennett said.

Bennett attributed the increase in driving under the influence arrests to a lot of parties during the winter season because of holidays like Christmas and New Year's. However he said that might not be the only reason for the arrest increases.

Also with the holiday parties can be more family fights requiring law enforcement intervention.

Overall, Bennett and Tarbet agree that stormy, cold weather will increase indoor crimes like drinking and driving while it may hinder some outdoor crimes like vandalism and auto burglaries.


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