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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Scene: Calvin and Hobbes are reading the newspaper.

Calvin: "I like following the news! News organizations know I won't sit still for any serious discussion of complex and boring issues. They give me what I want: Antics. Emotional confrontation. Sound bites. Scandal. Sob stories and popularity polls all packaged as a soap opera and horse race! It's very entertaining."

Hobbes: "Then commentators wonder why the public is cynical about politics."

Calvin: "You can tell this is an in-depth story because it's got an article next to a chart."

--Calvin & Hobbes by cartoonist Bill Watterson, 2005


A corrupt computer file stops the press -- delaying Statesman and Herald Journal

By Shauna Leavitt

August 31, 2005 | A corrupt computer file Tuesday night shut down the printing press that serves northern Utah and eastern Idaho.

The Bear River Publishing Company prints 35,000 newspapers a night. It takes three hours from the time the pages are entered in the computer to when the papers are on the trucks.

“At this pace everything has to run smoothly,” said Kevin Ashby, general manager of Bear River Publishing.

At 10 p.m. the corrupt file disabled the computer system that operates the press. It took approximately four hours for the team to find the problem and resend all the pages to the computer.

"The Herald Journal's papers are usually off the press by 2:15 a.m. Today they weren’t off until 6:30 a.m.," said Paul Davis, production manager for the Herald Journal.

This meant the youth carrier force was unable to deliver the papers before school. The papers were scheduled to be delivered Wednesday afternoon after school is out.

The papers delayed by the computer problem were the Logan Herald Journal, the USU Statesman, Pocatello's Idaho Statesman, Rexburg's Standard Journal and BYU Idaho's newspaper.


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